- Create Inputs, Outputs for your model:
extension Todo {
struct Output: ResourceOutputModel {
let id: Int?
let title: String
init(_ model: Todo, req: Request) {
id = model.id
title = model.title
struct CreateInput: ResourceUpdateModel {
let title: String
func update(_ model: Todo) throws -> Todo {
model.title = title
return model
static func validations(_ validations: inout Validations) {
//Validate something
struct UpdateInput: ResourceUpdateModel {
let title: String
func update(_ model: Todo) throws -> Todo {
model.title = title
return model
static func validations(_ validations: inout Validations) {
//Validate something
struct PatchInput: ResourcePatchModel {
let title: String?
func patch(_ model: Todo) throws -> Todo {
model.title = title ?? model.title
return model
static func validations(_ validations: inout Validations) {
//Validate something
- Implement Controller:
struct TodoController {
func create(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Todo.Output> {
try ResourceController<Todo.Output>().create(req: req, using: Todo.Input.self)
func read(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Todo.Output> {
try ResourceController<Todo.Output>().read(req: req)
func update(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Todo.Output> {
try ResourceController<Todo.Output>().update(req: req, using: Todo.Input.self)
func patch(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Todo.Output> {
try ResourceController<Todo.Output>().patch(req: req, using: Todo.PatchInput.self)
func delete(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Todo.Output> {
try ResourceController<Todo.Output>().delete(req: req)
func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<CursorPage<Todo.Output>> {
try ResourceController<Todo.Output>().getCursorPage(req: req)
- Add controller's methods to Vapor's routes builder:
routeBuilder.group("todos") {
let controller = TodoController()
$0.on(.POST, use: controller.create)
$0.on(.GET, Todo.idPath, use: controller.read)
$0.on(.PUT, Todo.idPath, use: controller.update)
$0.on(.DELETE, Todo.idPath, use: controller.delete)
$0.on(.PATCH, Todo.idPath, use: controller.patch)
$0.on(.GET, use: controller.index)
This will add the following methods to your API endpoint:
HTTP Method | Route | Result |
POST | /todos | Create new |
GET | /todos/:todoId | Show existing |
PUT | /todos/:todoId | Update existing (Replace) |
PATCH | /todos/:todoId | Patch exsiting (Partial update) |
DELETE | /todos/:todoId | Delete |
GET | /todos | Show list |
By default delete method will return deleted model instance wrapped into output as a response.