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File metadata and controls

198 lines (137 loc) · 4.7 KB


Static Eager Loading

How to setup default eager loading of nested models for controller

  1. Implement Output model to support optional nested models:
struct StarOutput<GalaxyOutput, TagsOutput>: ResourceOutputModel

    GalaxyOutput: ResourceOutputModel,
    GalaxyOutput.Model == Galaxy,
    TagsOutput: ResourceOutputModel,
    TagsOutput.Model == StarTag  {

    let id: Int?
    let title: String
    let subtitle: String?
    let size: Int

    let galaxy: GalaxyOutput?
    let tags: [TagsOutput]?

    init(_ model: Star, req: Request) {
        id =
        title = model.title
        subtitle = model.subtitle
        size = model.size
        galaxy = model.$ { GalaxyOutput($0, req: req) }
        tags = model.$starTags.value?.map { TagsOutput($0, req: req) }
  1. Pass query modifier with necessary eager loading to controller's methods:
struct StarController {
    func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<CursorPage<Star.ExtendedOutput<Galaxy.Output, StarTag.Output>>> {
        try ResourceController<Star.Output>().getCursorPage(
            req: req,
            queryModifier: QueryModifier { queryBuilder, _ in
    func read(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<CursorPage<Star.ExtendedOutput<Galaxy.Output, StarTag.Output>>> {
        try ResourceController<Star.ExtendedOutput<Galaxy.Output, StarTag.Output>>().read(
            req: req,
            queryModifier: QueryModifier { queryBuilder, _ in
  1. Setup route:"stars") {
    let controller = StarController()
    $0.on(.GET, Star.idPath, use:
    $0.on(.GET, use: controller.index)

Dynamic Eager Loading

How to setup dynamic eager loading for query keys

  1. Implement Output model to support optional nested models:
struct StarOutput<GalaxyOutput, TagsOutput>: ResourceOutputModel

    GalaxyOutput: ResourceOutputModel,
    GalaxyOutput.Model == Galaxy,
    TagsOutput: ResourceOutputModel,
    TagsOutput.Model == StarTag  {

    let id: Int?
    let title: String
    let subtitle: String?
    let size: Int

    let galaxy: GalaxyOutput?
    let tags: [TagsOutput]?

    init(_ model: Star, req: Request) {
        id =
        title = model.title
        subtitle = model.subtitle
        size = model.size
        galaxy = model.$ { GalaxyOutput($0, req: req) }
        tags = model.$starTags.value?.map { TagsOutput($0, req: req) }
  1. Implement Key enum and comform to EagerLoadingQueryKey protocol
enum StarEagerLoadingKeys: String, EagerLoadingQueryKey {
    case galaxy
    case tags

    func eagerLoadFor(_ queryBuilder: QueryBuilder<Star>) -> QueryBuilder<Star> {
        switch self {
        case .galaxy:
            return queryBuilder.with(\.$galaxy)
        case .tags:
            return queryBuilder.with(\.$starTags)

    // (Optional) This guys is used when there is no keys found in the request query:
    static func eagerLoadEmptyQueryFor(_ queryBuilder: QueryBuilder<Star>) -> QueryBuilder<Star> {
        //does not eager load anything by in default implementation
  1. Pass .eagerLoading(...) query modifier to necessary controller's methods:
struct StarController {
    func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<CursorPage<Star.ExtendedOutput<Galaxy.Output, StarTag.Output>>> {
        try ResourceController<Star.ExtendedOutput<Galaxy.Output, StarTag.Output>>().getCursorPage(
            req: req,
            queryModifier: .eagerLoading(StarEagerLoadingKeys.self))
    func read(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<CursorPage<Star.ExtendedOutput<Galaxy.Output, StarTag.Output>>> {
        try ResourceController<Star.ExtendedOutput<Galaxy.Output, StarTag.Output>>().read(
            req: req,
            queryModifier: .eagerLoading(StarEagerLoadingKeys.self))
  1. Setup route:"stars") {
    let controller = StarController()
    $0.on(.GET, Star.idPath, use:
    $0.on(.GET, use: controller.index)

How to query nested models with dynamic eager loading key

Query parameter key is include, value is comma-separated eagerLoading keys.

The result request will look like:,tags
