A Package Manager as a model: PKGBUILD
- Version has been released: v1.5.1 For everybody!!!
- Creation of the binaries for all available distributions
- ApmPKG is uploaded is in AUR
- Added completions for Bash and Zsh
- Installation with Debian binaries no longer causes errors
- ApmPKG uses libraries instead of using commands, with the exception of
- About the documentation for krep0 has already been updated
A package manager that wants to be a powerful universal tool for Linux in order to create and install packages.
This is a tool written in rust and bash, that uses native package managers for the resolution of dependencies, you can create packages from a simple file with TOML syntax and you can even create it from a PKGBUILD! The managers that are supported by ApmPKG:
- Apt
- Pacman
- Dnf
- Snap
- Flatpak
- Zypper
- Yum
- Apk
- Pkg (termux)
- Slapt-get
- Nix
- Emerge
- Yay
In the same way, binaries can be created for an offline installation. binary to know more information here
Although it is something difficult or strange, in the same way we can install apmpkg with the same apmpkg, even because we believe that the distribution of packages is important we try to make available and create native binaries for each distribution where package managers are supported, but first you must have the dependencies, among them:
- pip3/pip2
- npm
- bundle
- wget
- fakeroot
- git
- rsync
For this you can go to the section of release where the packages are uploaded, if you want to have more information, click here
- Creation of packages for scripting languages, a clear example is python, JavaScript / Typescript and ruby. With support with pip, bundle and npm more information here
- Ease of creation of packages on the model PKGBUILD of arch Linux that is, we have support for AUR, although we have certain limitations to say that we have support for all existing PKGBUILD but in the same way we are working on that
- Dependency resolution with the package managers mentioned above, we will work to make the list more extensive
- Download and / or compile from a URL, example:
apmpkg instalar -u https://foo.com/bar
- Extensions of our tool, .adi, .abc y .abi.tar.gz each one has a special function, more information here
- Create a prototype for a generate a .adi or .abc file, with the command:
apmpkg crear adi foo
In the case of creating an .abc file, the following must be executed:apmpkg crear abc foo
- Build your binaries, With the arrival of version 1.2 you can build binaries without the need to install them, you just have to run:
apmpkg construir foo.adi
or if it is an .abc package:apmpkg construir foo.abc
- With the arrival of version 1.3 you can run post installation scripts more information here
- In the version 1.4 pre-install scripts can be run
- As of version 1.5 you can put files inside
If you have a good idea or want to contribute to this project you can start with here and read this
Is it really universal for ALL available GNU / Linux distributions?
No, only for those that we have support for dependencies, package managers and their architecture. in the same way, not all dependencies are called the same in all distributions that are similarly solves by asking for some alternative dependency name found in your preferred package manager
Why is there no binary for X distribution if the X manager is available?
Although we try to do that we cannot, we generate the binaries of the most used distributions and apart each distribution has its architectures and packaging ways, in the event that we do not provide said binary it is highly recommended to compile it
¿Existe una documentacion en ingles / Is there an English documentation?
Esta en nuestro planes agregar una documentacion en ingles. It will soon be available
Why don't they implement X feature?
For the same reason, because you do not share your idea, we will be happy to know your idea, you can support here and/or if you want more information here