This repository contains the code of the MobileApp project. Produced in 2019.
The app is a simple spotify player with lyrics got from MusixMatch API.
git clone
- To make this app working correctly you need spotify installed on your device and to be connected to an account on it (premium is better);
- You need to create your own Spotify API Key (Check the useful links), and replace it in the "MainActivity.kt" at line 19;
- You need to add "com.example.dynamite://callback" as Redirect URL in Spotify Developper Dashboard (see usefull links);
- The API Keys provided (Spotify and MusixMatch) work on any device, but with MusixMatch you can only make 2000 Api Calls per day and 500 Lyrics display per day;
- Dark background and light writing to see well in full sunlight;
- Button shadow and sound on click for the user feedback;
- Scrollable lyrics to read them easily -> improvable with auto scroll lyrics;
- Responsive content adaptable to any devices;
- <- MusixMatch Official Site Documentation
- <- MusixMatch Community Documentation by sachin-Handiekar
- <- Quick start (create an API Key)
- <- Spotify API Documentation
- <- Spotify Developper Dashboard to manage you API Keys for your apps
Just send a pull-request 😉