Welcome to the Console Banking App! Manage your finances securely and efficiently right from your terminal.
- User Registration: Register yourself in the app for a personalized banking experience.
- Authentication: Login with a securely encrypted password, ensuring data integrity.
- Transaction Database: All transactions are securely stored in a text file database.
- Operations Menu:
- 💸 Deposit
- 💸 Withdrawal
- 💸 Transfer (with minimum balance checks)
- 📈 Check Balance
- 🔐 Change Password
- 🚪 Logout
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Keyan5/Banking-App.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd Banking-App/src
- Run the app:
java Main
Your password is securely encrypted, ensuring the highest level of protection for your account.
The app provides a straightforward interface with options for various financial operations. User authentication ensures a safe banking experience.
Feel free to explore, contribute, and enhance the app for a seamless banking journey! 🚀
This project is licensed under the MIT License.