- Google suggestion
- Prefix -> top n hot key words
- DAU: 500M
- Search: 66500M = 18b (Every one search for 6 words, each word has 6 characters)
- QPS = 18b / 86400 ~ 200k
- Peak QPS = QPS * 2 ~ 400k
- Twitter typeahead
- Query service
- Each time a user types a character, the entire prefix is sent to query service.
- Data collection service
- How to query on the db
- Query SQL: Select * from hit_stats where keyword like ${key}% order by hitCount DESC Limit 10
- Like operation is expensive. It is a range query.
- where keyword like 'abc%' is equivalent to where keyword >= 'abc' AND keyword < 'abd'
keyword | hitCount |
Amazon | 20b |
Apple | 15b |
Adidas | 7b |
Airbnb | 3b |
- Convert a keyword table to a prefix table, put into memory
prefix | keywords |
a | "amazon","apple" |
am | "amazon","amc" |
ad | "adidas","adobe" |
don | "don't have", "donald trump" |
Trie ( in memory ) + Serialized Trie ( on disk ).
- Trie is must faster than DB because
- All in-memory vs DB cache miss
- Trie is must faster than DB because
Store word count at node, but it's slow
- e.g. TopK. Always need to traverse the entire trie. Exponential complexity.
Instead, we can store the top n hot key words and their frequencies at each node, search becomes O(len).
prefix | keywords |
a | "amazon","apple" |
am | "amazon","amc" |
ad | "adidas","adobe" |
don | "don't have", "donald trump" |
- How do we add a new record {abd: 3b} to the trie
- Insert the record into all nodes along its path in the trie.
- If a node along the path is already full, then need to loop through all records inside the node and compared with the node to be inserted.
- How frequently do you aggregate data
- Real-time not impractical. Read QPS 200K + Write QPS 200K. Will slow down query service.
- Once per week. Each week data collection service will fetch all the data within the most recent one week and aggregate them.
- How does data collection service update query service? Offline update and works online.
- All in-memory trie must have already been serialized. Read QPS already really high. Do not write to in-memory trie directly.
- Use another machine. Data collection service updates query service.
- Cache result
- Front-end browser cache the results
- Pre-fetch
- Fetch the latest 1000 results
- Use consistent hashing to decide which machine a particular string belongs to.
- A record can exist only in one machine. Sharding according to char will not distribute the resource evenly. Instead, calculate consistent hashing code
- a, am, ama, amax stored in different machines.
- Probablistic logging.
- Too slow to calculate and too large amount of data to store.
- Log with 1/10,000 probability
- Say over the past two weeks "amazon" was searched 1 billion times, with 1/1000 probability we will only log 1 million times.
- For a term that's searched 1000 times, we might end up logging only once or even zero times.