diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_ca.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_ca.ts index 37f244baa27..5e2ea16f38e 100644 --- a/src/mumble/mumble_ca.ts +++ b/src/mumble/mumble_ca.ts @@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ Aquest valor us permet establir el nombre màxim d'usuaris permesos al cana <b>This shows peak outgoing bandwidth used.</b><br />This shows the peak amount of bandwidth sent out from your machine. Audio bitrate is the maximum bitrate for the audio data alone. Position is the bitrate used for positional information. Overhead is our framing and the IP packet headers (IP and UDP is 75% of this overhead). - + <b>Això mostra el pic de l'ample de banda de sortida utilitzat.</b><br /> Mostra el màxim ample de banda enviat des de la vostra màquina. La taxa de bits d'àudio és la taxa de bits màxima només per a les dades d'àudio. La posició és la taxa de bits utilitzada per a la informació posicional. El superior és el nostre enquadrament i les capçaleres de paquets IP (IP i UDP és 75% d'aquesta sobrecàrrega). @@ -1841,7 +1841,7 @@ Aquest valor us permet establir el nombre màxim d'usuaris permesos al cana This is the audio bitrate of the last compressed frame (20 ms). The peak bitrate can be adjusted in the Settings dialog. - + Aquesta és la taxa de bits d'àudio de l'últim marc comprimit (20 ms). La taxa de bits màxima es pot ajustar al diàleg Configuració. @@ -2822,7 +2822,7 @@ Esteu segur que vols substituir el vostre certificat? <p>Mumble can use certificates to authenticate with servers. Using certificates avoids passwords, meaning you don't need to disclose any password to the remote site. It also enables very easy user registration and a client side friends list independent of servers.</p><p>While Mumble can work without certificates, the majority of servers will expect you to have one.</p><p>Creating a new certificate automatically is sufficient for most use cases. But Mumble also supports certificates representing trust in the users ownership of an email address. These certificates are issued by third parties. For more information see our <a href="https://www.mumble.info/documentation/user/certificates/">user certificate documentation</a>. </p> - + <p>El Mumble pot utilitzar certificats per autenticar amb els servidors. L'ús de certificats evita les contrasenyes, el que significa que no cal revelar cap contrasenya al lloc remot. També permet un registre d'usuaris molt fàcil i una llista d'amics del client independent dels servidors. </p><p> Mentre que el Mumble pot funcionar sense certificats, la majoria dels servidors esperen que en tingueu un.</p><p>Crear un nou certificat automàticament és suficient a la majoria dels casos. El Mumble també permet certificats que representin la confiança en la propietat d'una adreça de correu electrònic dels usuaris. Aquests certificats els emeten tercers. Per a més informació consulteu a la nostra <a href="http://mumble.info/certificate.php"> documentació del certificat d'usuari</a>. </p> @@ -7147,23 +7147,23 @@ Les opcions vàlides són: Toggle positional audio Global Shortcut - + Commuta el àudio posicional This will toggle positional audio on/off - + Això activa o no l'àudio posicional SSL error - + Error de SSL Mumble is unable to establish a secure connection to the server. ("%1") - + Mumble no pot establir una connexió segura al servidor. ("%1") This could be caused by one of the following scenarios:<ul><li>Your client and the server use different encryption standards. This could be because you are using a very old client or the server you are connecting to is very old. In the first case, you should update your client and in the second case you should contact the server administrator so that they can update their server.</li><li>Either your client or the server is using an old operating system that doesn't provide up-to-date encryption methods. In this case you should consider updating your OS or contacting the server admin so that they can update theirs.</li><li>The server you are connecting to isn't actually a Mumble server. Please ensure that the used server address really belongs to a Mumble server and not e.g. to a game server.</li><li>The port you are connecting to does not belong to a Mumble server but instead is bound to a completely unrelated process on the server-side. Please double-check you have used the correct port.</li></ul> - + La causa pot ser una de les següents:<ul><li>El vostre client i el servidor fan servir estàndards d'encriptació diferents. Potser el vostre client o el servidor són molt antics. En el primer cas, hauríeu d'actualitzar el vostre client i en el segon cas hauríeu de contactar l'administrador del servidor per que l'actualitzi.</li><li>O bé el vostre client o el servidor estan utilitzant un sistema operatiu antic que no proporciona mètodes d'encriptació actuals. En aquest cas hauríeu de considerar actualitzar el vostre sistema o contactar l'administrador del servidor per que actualitzi el seu.</li><li>El servidor al que esteu connectat a no és de fet un Mumble servidor. Si us plau assegureu-vos que l'adreça del servidor que utilitzeu correspon realment a un servidor Mumble, i no, per exemple, a un servidor de joc.</li><li>El port al que esteu connectat no pertany a un servidor Mumble servidor si no que està lligat a un procés sense cap relació amb el servidor lateral. Comproveu si us plau que utilitzeu el port correcte.</li></ul> @@ -8706,7 +8706,8 @@ Podeu registrar-vos de nou. <p>If you're using Linux this is most likely because you are using a version from your distribution's package repository that have their own update cycles.</p><p>If you want to always have the most recent Mumble version, you should consider using a different method of installation. See <a href="https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble">the project repository</a> for what alternatives there are.</p> - + <p>Si utilitzeu Linux, probablement es degut a que utilitzeu una versió del repositori de paquets de la vostra distribució. </p><p> Si voleu tenir sempre la versió més recent del Mumble, considereu un altre mètode d’instal·lació. +Veure <a href="https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble">el repositori del projecte</a> per a quines alternatives hi ha.</p> diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_en_GB.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_en_GB.ts index c298f8b9db9..167545ad862 100644 --- a/src/mumble/mumble_en_GB.ts +++ b/src/mumble/mumble_en_GB.ts @@ -1170,51 +1170,51 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. Maximum amplification - Maximum amplification + Maximum amplification Speech is dynamically amplified by at most this amount - + Speech is dynamically amplified by at most this amount Noise suppression strength - + Noise suppression strength Echo cancellation mode - Echo cancellation mode + Echo cancellation mode Path to audio file - + Path to audio file Path to audio cue file when stopping to speak. Use the "browse" button to open a file dialog. - + Path to audio cue file when stopping to speak. Use the "browse" button to open a file dialogue. Idle action time threshold (in minutes) - + Idle action time threshold (in minutes) Select what to do when being idle for a configurable amount of time. Default: nothing - + Select what to do when being idle for a configurable amount of time. Default: nothing Gets played when you are trying to speak while being muted - + Gets played when you are trying to speak while being muted Path to mute cue file. Use the "browse" button to open a file dialog. - + Path to mute cue file. Use the "browse" button to open a file dialogue. Browse for mute cue audio file - + Browse for mute cue audio file Path to audio cue file when starting to speak. Use the "browse" button to open a file dialog. - + Path to audio cue file when starting to speak. Use the "browse" button to open a file dialogue. Preview the mute cue diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_es.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_es.ts index 1a09c8b2940..fe80d06fce6 100644 --- a/src/mumble/mumble_es.ts +++ b/src/mumble/mumble_es.ts @@ -7148,23 +7148,23 @@ Las opciones válidas son: Toggle positional audio Global Shortcut - + Activar o desactivar el audio posicional This will toggle positional audio on/off - + Esto activará o desactivará el audio posicional SSL error - + Error SSL Mumble is unable to establish a secure connection to the server. ("%1") - + Mumble no puede establecer una conexión segura con el servidor. ("%1") This could be caused by one of the following scenarios:<ul><li>Your client and the server use different encryption standards. This could be because you are using a very old client or the server you are connecting to is very old. In the first case, you should update your client and in the second case you should contact the server administrator so that they can update their server.</li><li>Either your client or the server is using an old operating system that doesn't provide up-to-date encryption methods. In this case you should consider updating your OS or contacting the server admin so that they can update theirs.</li><li>The server you are connecting to isn't actually a Mumble server. Please ensure that the used server address really belongs to a Mumble server and not e.g. to a game server.</li><li>The port you are connecting to does not belong to a Mumble server but instead is bound to a completely unrelated process on the server-side. Please double-check you have used the correct port.</li></ul> - + Esto podría deberse a uno de los siguientes escenarios:<ul><li>El cliente y el servidor usan estándares de cifrado diferentes. Esto puede deberse a que está utilizando un cliente muy antiguo o el servidor al que se está conectando es muy antiguo. En el primer caso, debe actualizar su cliente y en el segundo caso debe ponerse en contacto con el administrador del servidor para que pueda actualizar su servidor.</li><li>El cliente o el servidor utilizan un sistema operativo antiguo que no proporciona métodos de cifrado actualizados. En este caso, debe considerar actualizar su sistema operativo o ponerse en contacto con el administrador del servidor para que pueda actualizar el suyo.</li><li>El servidor al que te estás conectando no es en realidad un servidor Mumble. Asegúrese de que la dirección del servidor utilizada pertenezca realmente a un servidor de Mumble y no, por ejemplo, a un servidor de juegos.</li><li>El puerto al que se está conectando no pertenece a un servidor Mumble, sino que está vinculado a un proceso completamente no relacionado en el lado del servidor. Por favor, compruebe dos veces que ha utilizado el puerto correcto. </li></ul> diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_fi.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_fi.ts index 9a8e19071b2..55043698ded 100644 --- a/src/mumble/mumble_fi.ts +++ b/src/mumble/mumble_fi.ts @@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ Tämän numeron ollessa suurempi kuin nolla kanava sallii enintään numeron suu <b>This shows peak outgoing bandwidth used.</b><br />This shows the peak amount of bandwidth sent out from your machine. Audio bitrate is the maximum bitrate for the audio data alone. Position is the bitrate used for positional information. Overhead is our framing and the IP packet headers (IP and UDP is 75% of this overhead). - + <b> Tämä osoittaa yleisimmin käytettyä kaistanleveyttä.</b> Tämä osoittaa, kuinka paljon kaistanleveyttä lähetetään pois koneesta. Audio bitrate on suurin biraatti vain äänidatalle. Sijainti on biraatti, jota käytetään positiaalitietoihin. Yläpuolella on kehys ja IP-pakkausotsikot (IP ja UDP ovat 75 % tästä). @@ -1841,7 +1841,7 @@ Tämän numeron ollessa suurempi kuin nolla kanava sallii enintään numeron suu This is the audio bitrate of the last compressed frame (20 ms). The peak bitrate can be adjusted in the Settings dialog. - + Tämä on viimeisen kompressio freimin(20 ms) ääni bittinopeus. Huippu bittinopeus voidaan säätää sestuksista. @@ -7154,11 +7154,11 @@ Hyväksytyt valinnat ovat SSL error - + SSL-virhe Mumble is unable to establish a secure connection to the server. ("%1") - + Mumble ei pysty muodostamaan salattua yhteyttä palvelimeen. ("%1") This could be caused by one of the following scenarios:<ul><li>Your client and the server use different encryption standards. This could be because you are using a very old client or the server you are connecting to is very old. In the first case, you should update your client and in the second case you should contact the server administrator so that they can update their server.</li><li>Either your client or the server is using an old operating system that doesn't provide up-to-date encryption methods. In this case you should consider updating your OS or contacting the server admin so that they can update theirs.</li><li>The server you are connecting to isn't actually a Mumble server. Please ensure that the used server address really belongs to a Mumble server and not e.g. to a game server.</li><li>The port you are connecting to does not belong to a Mumble server but instead is bound to a completely unrelated process on the server-side. Please double-check you have used the correct port.</li></ul> diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_pl.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_pl.ts index 20693b60756..3aca6e4192c 100644 --- a/src/mumble/mumble_pl.ts +++ b/src/mumble/mumble_pl.ts @@ -7148,23 +7148,23 @@ Prawidłowe opcje to: Toggle positional audio Global Shortcut - + Przełącz dźwięk pozycyjny This will toggle positional audio on/off - + Spowoduje to włączenie/wyłączenie dźwięku pozycyjnego SSL error - + Błąd SSL Mumble is unable to establish a secure connection to the server. ("%1") - + Mumble nie może nawiązać bezpiecznego połączenia z serwerem. ("%1") This could be caused by one of the following scenarios:<ul><li>Your client and the server use different encryption standards. This could be because you are using a very old client or the server you are connecting to is very old. In the first case, you should update your client and in the second case you should contact the server administrator so that they can update their server.</li><li>Either your client or the server is using an old operating system that doesn't provide up-to-date encryption methods. In this case you should consider updating your OS or contacting the server admin so that they can update theirs.</li><li>The server you are connecting to isn't actually a Mumble server. Please ensure that the used server address really belongs to a Mumble server and not e.g. to a game server.</li><li>The port you are connecting to does not belong to a Mumble server but instead is bound to a completely unrelated process on the server-side. Please double-check you have used the correct port.</li></ul> - + Może to być spowodowane jednym z następujących scenariuszy:<ul><li>Twój klient i serwer używają różnych standardów szyfrowania. Może to być spowodowane tym, że używasz bardzo starego klienta lub serwer, z którym się łączysz, jest bardzo stary. W pierwszym przypadku należy zaktualizować swojego klienta, a w drugim przypadku należy skontaktować się z administratorem serwera, aby mógł zaktualizować swój serwer.</li><li>Twój klient lub serwer używa starego systemu operacyjnego, który nie zapewnia aktualnych metod szyfrowania. W takim przypadku należy rozważyć aktualizację swojego systemu operacyjnego lub skontaktować się z administratorem serwera, aby mógł zaktualizować swój.</li><li>Serwer, z którym się łączysz, nie jest w rzeczywistości serwerem Mumble. Upewnij się, że używany adres serwera rzeczywiście należy do serwera Mumble, a nie np. do serwera gier.</li><li>Port, z którym się łączysz, nie należy do serwera Mumble, ale jest powiązany z zupełnie niezwiązanym procesem po stronie serwera. Sprawdź dokładnie, czy używasz prawidłowego portu.</li></ul> diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_tr.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_tr.ts index 486776b40fa..1fea5d72549 100644 --- a/src/mumble/mumble_tr.ts +++ b/src/mumble/mumble_tr.ts @@ -7148,23 +7148,23 @@ Geçerli seçenekler şunlardır: Toggle positional audio Global Shortcut - + Konumsal sesi aç/kapat This will toggle positional audio on/off - + Bu, konumsal sesi açıp kapatacaktır SSL error - + SSL hatası Mumble is unable to establish a secure connection to the server. ("%1") - + Mumble sunucuyla güvenli bir bağlantı kuramıyor. ("%1") This could be caused by one of the following scenarios:<ul><li>Your client and the server use different encryption standards. This could be because you are using a very old client or the server you are connecting to is very old. In the first case, you should update your client and in the second case you should contact the server administrator so that they can update their server.</li><li>Either your client or the server is using an old operating system that doesn't provide up-to-date encryption methods. In this case you should consider updating your OS or contacting the server admin so that they can update theirs.</li><li>The server you are connecting to isn't actually a Mumble server. Please ensure that the used server address really belongs to a Mumble server and not e.g. to a game server.</li><li>The port you are connecting to does not belong to a Mumble server but instead is bound to a completely unrelated process on the server-side. Please double-check you have used the correct port.</li></ul> - + Bunun nedeni şu durumlardan biri olabilir:<ul><li>İstemciniz ve sunucunuz farklı şifreleme standartları kullanmaktadır. Bunun nedeni çok eski bir istemci kullanıyor olmanız veya bağlandığınız sunucunun çok eski olması olabilir. İlk durumda, istemcinizi güncellemelisiniz ve ikinci durumda sunucularını güncelleyebilmeleri için sunucu yöneticisiyle iletişime geçmelisiniz.</li><li>Ya istemciniz ya da sunucunuz güncel şifreleme yöntemleri sağlamayan eski bir işletim sistemi kullanıyordur. Bu durumda işletim sisteminizi güncellemeyi düşünmeli ya da sunucu yöneticisiyle iletişime geçerek kendi işletim sistemlerini güncellemelerini sağlamalısınız.</li><li>Bağlandığınız sunucu aslında bir Mumble sunucusu değil. Lütfen kullanılan sunucu adresinin gerçekten bir Mumble sunucusuna ait olduğundan ve örneğin bir oyun sunucusuna ait olmadığından emin olun.</li><li>Bağlandığınız bağlantı noktası bir Mumble sunucusuna ait değil, bunun yerine sunucu tarafında tamamen ilgisiz bir işleme bağlı. Lütfen doğru bağlantı noktasını kullandığınızı iki kez gözden geçirin.</li></ul> diff --git a/src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts b/src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts index f26d4b4d3a0..0fe5b517eee 100644 --- a/src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts +++ b/src/mumble/mumble_zh_CN.ts @@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. Positional Audio - 位置音频 + 定位音频 Audio Output @@ -1578,7 +1578,7 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. Positional audio cannot work with mono output devices! - 位置音频无法在单声道输出设备上使用! + 定位音频无法在单声道输出设备上使用! Audio output system @@ -1928,7 +1928,7 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. Enable positional audio - 启用位置音频 + 启用定位音频 Allows positioning of sound @@ -1945,7 +1945,7 @@ This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. This allows Mumble to use positional audio to place voices. - 允许 Mumble 根据位置的不同播放位置音频。 + 允许 Mumble 使用定位音频放置声音。 <p> @@ -1989,11 +1989,11 @@ Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sou Positional Audio - 位置音频 + 定位音频 Adjusting attenuation of positional audio. - 调整位置音频的衰减。 + 调整定位音频的衰减。 Use headphones instead of speakers @@ -2208,7 +2208,7 @@ Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sou <html><head/><body><p>Mumble supports positional audio for some games, and will position the voice of other users relative to their position in game. Depending on their position, the volume of the voice will be changed between the speakers to simulate the direction and distance the other user is at. Such positioning depends on your speaker configuration being correct in your operating system, so a test is done here. </p><p>The graph below shows the position of <span style=" color:#56b4e9;">you</span>, the <span style=" color:#d55e00;">speakers</span> and a <span style=" color:#009e73;">moving sound source</span> as if seen from above. You should hear the audio move between the channels. </p><p>You can also use your mouse to position the <span style=" color:#009e73;">sound source</span> manually.</p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p>Mumble 支持在一些游戏中使用位置音频功能,能够根据玩家在游戏中的相对位置来将用户的语音方位化。根据他们的位置,用户之间语音的音量会随着距离和方向而模拟变化。这需要您在操作系统中正确配置扬声器的立体声,此测试就是为了保证这一点。</p><p>下方的图像显示了<span style=" color:#56b4e9;">您</span>、<span style=" color:#d55e00;">扬声器</span>和<span style=" color:#009e73;">移动的音源</span>的俯视图。您应该能够听到音频在声道中的移动。</p><p>您也可以使用鼠标手动移动<span style=" color:#009e73;">音源</span>。</p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p>Mumble 支持在一些游戏中使用定位音频功能,能够根据玩家在游戏中的相对位置来将用户的语音方位化。根据他们的位置,用户之间语音的音量会随着距离和方向而模拟变化。这需要您在操作系统中正确配置扬声器的立体声,此测试就是为了保证这一点。</p><p>下方的图像显示了<span style=" color:#56b4e9;">您</span>、<span style=" color:#d55e00;">扬声器</span>和<span style=" color:#009e73;">移动的音源</span>的俯视图。您应该能够听到音频在声道中的移动。</p><p>您也可以使用鼠标手动移动<span style=" color:#009e73;">音源</span>。</p></body></html> Maximum amplification @@ -2240,7 +2240,7 @@ Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sou The Mumble positional audio system enables users to link the relative position of their voice to third party applications such as games. - Mumble 位置音频系统使用户能够将其语音的相对位置链接到游戏等第三方应用程序。 + Mumble 定位音频系统使用户能够将其语音的相对位置链接到游戏等第三方应用程序。 Output delay for incoming speech @@ -2280,11 +2280,11 @@ Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sou Graphical positional audio simulation view - 图形化位置音频模拟视图 + 图形化定位音频模拟视图 This visually represents the positional audio that is currently being played - 可视化展示当前播放的位置音频 + 可视化展示当前播放的定位音频 @@ -3834,11 +3834,11 @@ Without this option enabled, using Mumble's global shortcuts in privileged Do not send positional audio information when using this whisper shortcut. - 使用密语快捷键时不发送位置音频信息。 + 使用密语快捷键时不发送定位音频信息。 Ignore positional audio - 忽略位置语音 + 忽略定位音频 Shout to Linked channels @@ -6111,11 +6111,11 @@ Otherwise abort and check your certificate and username. The server requests positional audio be enabled. - 服务器要求启用位置音频。 + 服务器要求启用定位音频。 The server requests positional audio be disabled. - 服务器要求禁用位置音频。 + 服务器要求禁用定位音频。 The server requests Push-to-Talk be enabled. @@ -6620,11 +6620,11 @@ Valid actions are: Show the Positional Audio Viewer - 显示位置音频查看器 + 显示定位音频查看器 Shows the Positional Audio Viewer. In it the current information used for positional audio can be inspected. Context and identity are also shown. - 显示位置音频查看器。可以在其中检查位置音频的当前信息,包括上下文和标识符。 + 显示定位音频查看器。可以在其中检查定位音频的当前信息,包括上下文和标识符。 Mumble - Minimal View @@ -7049,7 +7049,7 @@ mumble://[<用户名>[:<密码>]@]<主机名>[:<端口>] Positional &Audio Viewer - 位置音频查看器(&A) + 定位音频查看器(&A) &About @@ -7146,30 +7146,30 @@ mumble://[<用户名>[:<密码>]@]<主机名>[:<端口>] Toggle positional audio Global Shortcut - + 开关定位音频 This will toggle positional audio on/off - + 这会打开/关闭定位音频 SSL error - + SSL 错误 Mumble is unable to establish a secure connection to the server. ("%1") - + Mumble 无法建立到服务器的安全连接("%1") This could be caused by one of the following scenarios:<ul><li>Your client and the server use different encryption standards. This could be because you are using a very old client or the server you are connecting to is very old. In the first case, you should update your client and in the second case you should contact the server administrator so that they can update their server.</li><li>Either your client or the server is using an old operating system that doesn't provide up-to-date encryption methods. In this case you should consider updating your OS or contacting the server admin so that they can update theirs.</li><li>The server you are connecting to isn't actually a Mumble server. Please ensure that the used server address really belongs to a Mumble server and not e.g. to a game server.</li><li>The port you are connecting to does not belong to a Mumble server but instead is bound to a completely unrelated process on the server-side. Please double-check you have used the correct port.</li></ul> - + 这可能由下列情形中的一个导致的::<ul><li>客户端和服务器使用不同的加密标准。这可能是因为客户端版本太老或者要连接到的服务器太老。如果是第一种情况,你应当更新浓密的客户端。第二种情况下 ,你应当联系服务器管理员以便更新服务器。</li><li>客户端或服务器使用的是未提供最新加密方法的操作系统。如果是这样,你应当考虑更新操作系统或联系服务器管理员以更新服务器上的操作系统。</li><li>你正在连接的服务器不是 Mumble 服务器。 请确保所用的服务器地址的确属于 Mumble 服务器而不是游戏服务器。</li><li>你正在连接的端口不属于 Mumble 服务器而是绑定到服务器端一个完全不相关的进程。请复核确保你使用了正确的端口。</li></ul> Manual Manual Mumble Positional Audio - 手动 Mumble 位置音频 + 手动 Mumble 定位音频 Position @@ -7253,11 +7253,11 @@ mumble://[<用户名>[:<密码>]@]<主机名>[:<端口>] Graphical positional audio simulation view - 图形化位置音频模拟视图 + 图形化定位音频模拟视图 This visually represents the positional audio configuration that is currently being used - 可视化展示当前使用的位置音频配置 + 可视化展示当前使用的定位音频配置 Listener Z coordinate @@ -8136,11 +8136,11 @@ To upgrade these files to their latest versions, click the button below. Whether the positional audio feature of this plugin should be enabled - 是否应该启用此插件的位置音频功能 + 是否应该启用此插件的定位音频功能 This plugin does not provide support for positional audio - 此插件未提供位置音频支持 + 此插件未提供定位音频支持 Whether this plugin has the permission to be listening to all keyboard events that occur while Mumble has focus @@ -8168,7 +8168,7 @@ To upgrade these files to their latest versions, click the button below. Plugin positional audio permission checkbox - 插件位置音频权限选项 + 定位音频插件权限选项 Plugin keyboard event listen permission checkbox @@ -8343,7 +8343,7 @@ To upgrade these files to their latest versions, click the button below.PositionalAudioViewer Positional Audio Viewer - 位置音频查看器 + 定位音频查看器 Camera direction