diff --git a/DEPLOYMENT.md b/DEPLOYMENT.md
index 1e9ce8c..578bb83 100644
@@ -27,17 +27,55 @@ for accessing the server.
 3. Run  `docker compose run --rm django ./manage.py makeclient \
                             --username your.super.user@email.address \
                             --uri https://batdetectai.kitware.com/`
-4. Run `docker compose run --rm django ./manage.py collectstatic`
+4. Run `docker compose run --rm django ./manage.py loaddata species` to load species
+   data into the database
+5. Run `docker compose run --rm django ./manage.py collectstatic`
    to collect the static files
-5. Run `docker compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up` to start the server
+6. Run `docker compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up` to start the server
    add `-d` for a silent version to run in the background
-6. Copy over the ./dev/.env.prod.docker-compose.template
+7. Copy over the ./dev/.env.prod.docker-compose.template
    to `./dev/.env.prod.docker-compose.template` and change the default passwords
-7. Change the ID in the `./client/env.production` to a custom ID
-8. After creating the basic application log into the django admin `batdetectai.kitware.com/admin`
+8. Change the ID in the `./client/env.production` to a custom ID - this will
+   probably require a `docker compose build` to build the app afterwards
+9. After creating the basic application log into the django admin `batdetectai.kitware.com/admin`
    and change the ApplicationId to the ID in the `./client.env.production`
-9. Test logging in/out and uploading data to the server.
+10. Test logging in/out and uploading data to the server.
 ### system.d service
 Service that will automatically start and launch the server
+Create this at `/etc/systemd/system` using sudo
+ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 10
+# Shutdown container (if running) when unit is started
+ExecStartPre=docker compose down
+# Start container when unit is started
+ExecStart=docker compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up
+# Stop container when unit is stopped
+ExecStop=docker compose down
+After run `sudo systemctl enable batai.service`
+Then to start you can use `sudo systemctl start batai.service`
+Stopping: `sudo systemctl stop batai.service`
+# User Management
+There is no email server connected up so users need to be individually approved and their email verified by an admin