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Important GeoWATCH Scripts

The GeoWATCH module comes with a command line interface (CLI). This can be invoked via geowatch --help (note: alternatively you can invoke the module directly via python using python -m geowatch).

In these examples we use the geowatch invocation to be concise, but you can simply replace them with python -m geowatch if your shell does not support the entrypoint.

The following is a list of the primary CLI commands:

  • geowatch find_dvc --help - Helper to return the path the the GeoWATCH DVC Repo (if it is a known location)
  • geowatch stats --help - Print statistics about a kwcoco file with a focus on sensor / channel frequency and region information.
  • geowatch coco_spectra --help - Show per-band / per-sensor histograms of pixel intensities. This is useful for acessing the harmonization between sensors.
  • geowatch coco_visualize_videos --help - Visualize a video sequence with and without annotations. This can also create an animation of arbitrary feature channels.
  • geowatch coco_align_geotiffs --help - Crop a set of unstructured kwcoco file (that registers a set of geotiffs) into a TA-2 ready kwcoco file containing cropped video sequences corresponding to each region in a specified set of regions files.
  • geowatch reproject_annotations --help - Project annotations from raw site/region models onto the pixel space of a kwcoco file. This also propogates these annotations in time as needed.
  • geowatch kwcoco_to_geojson --help - Transform "saliency" or "class" heatmaps into tracked geojson site models, and optionally score these with IARPA metrics.

Using --help shows the top level modal CLI:

usage: geowatch [-h] [--version]

🌐🌐🌐 The GeoWATCH CLI 🌐🌐🌐

An open source research and production environment for image and video
segmentation and detection with geospatial awareness.

Developed by Kitware. Funded by the IARPA SMART challenge.

Version: 0.17.0

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show version number and exit (default: False)

                        specify a command to run
    stats (watch_coco_stats)
                        Print geowatch-relevant information about a kwcoco dataset.
    site_stats (geojson_stats, geomodel_stats, geojson_site_stats)
                        Compute statistics about geojson sites.
    site_validate (validate_sites, validate_annotation_schemas)
                        Validate the site / region model schemas
    model_stats (model_info, torch_model_stats)
                        Print stats about a torch model.
    spectra (intensity_histograms, coco_spectra)
                        Plot the spectrum of band intensities in a kwcoco file.
    draw_region         Ignore:
    visualize (coco_visualize_videos)
                        Visualizes annotations on kwcoco video frames on each band
    dvc (dvcdir, find_dvc)
                        Find the path to a registered DVC repo.
    add_fields (coco_add_watch_fields)
                        Updates kwcoco image transforms and sets video space to a target GSD.
    align (coco_align, coco_align_geotiff, coco_align_geotiffs)
                        Create a dataset of aligned temporal sequences around objects of interest
    clean_geotiffs (coco_clean_geotiffs)
                        Clean geotiff files inplace by masking bad pixels with NODATA.
    average_features (ensemble, coco_average_features)
                        Average multiple kwcoco files - i.e. ensemble heatmap predictions.
    time_combine (coco_time_combine)
                        Averages kwcoco images over a sliding temporal window in a video.
    reproject (project, reproject_annotations)
                        Warp annotations from geospace onto kwcoco pixel space.
    run_tracker         Convert KWCOCO to IARPA GeoJSON
    iarpa_eval (run_metrics_framework)
                        Score IARPA site model GeoJSON files using IARPA's metrics-and-test-framework
    crop_sitemodels (crop_sites_to_regions)
                        Crops site models to the bounds of a region model.
    remove_bad_images (coco_remove_bad_images)
                        Remove coco images that are mostly nodata.
    fit (fusion_fit)    Does not work from geowatch CLI yet. See help.
    predict (fusion_predict)
                        Does not work from geowatch CLI yet. See help.
    finish_install      Finish the install of geowatch.
    schedule (mlops_schedule, schedule_evaluation)
                        Driver for GeoWATCH mlops evaluation scheduling
    manager (mlops_manager)
                        Manage trained models in the GeoWATCH experiment DVC repo.
    aggregate (mlops_aggregate)
                        Aggregates results from multiple DAG evaluations.
    repackage (repackager)
                        Convert a raw torch checkpoint into a torch package.

As a researcher / developer / user the most important commands for you to know are:

  • geowatch stats <kwcoco_file> - Get geowatch-relevant statistics about data in a kwcoco file
  • geowatch visualize <kwcoco_file> - Visualize the image / videos / annotations in a kwcoco file.
  • geowatch spectra <kwcoco_file> - Look at the distribution of intensity values per band / per sensor in a kwcoco file.
  • geowatch model_stats <fusion_model_file> - Get stats / info about a trained fusion model.
  • geowatch reproject - Reproject CRS84 (geojson) annoations to image space and write to a kwcoco file.
  • geowatch align - Crop a kwcoco dataset based on CRS84 (geojson) regions.
  • geowatch clean_geotiff - Heuristic to detect large regions of black pixels and edit them to NODATA in the geotiff.
  • geowatch geotiffs_to_kwcoco - Create a kwcoco file from a set of on-disk geotiffs.
  • geowatch_dvc - Helper to register / retreive your DVC paths so scripts can be written agnostic to filesystem layouts. See docs for more details.

Other important commands that are not exposed via the main CLI are:

  • python -m --help - Train a TA2 fusion model.
  • python -m geowatch.tasks.fusion.predict --help - Predict using a pretrained TA2 fusion model on a target dataset.
  • python -m geowatch.tasks.fusion.evaluate --help - Measure pixel-level quality metrics between a prediction and truth kwcoco file.

Note to developers: if an important script exists and is not listed here, please submit an MR.

New Python command line scripts can be added under the geowatch/cli directory. New tools can be registered with the geowatch tool in the geowatch/cli/ file, or invoked explicitly via python -m geowatch.cli.<script-name>.

Scripts that don’t quite belong in the GeoWATCH Python module itself (e.g. due to a lack of general purpose use, or lack of polish) can be added to the scripts or dev directory. Generally, the scripts directory is for data processing and dev is for scripts related to repository maintenence.

Summary of GeoWATCH Scripts

The following document summarizes some of the scripts in the geowatch CLI.

Main Commands / Scripts

watch_coco_stats - Very useful. Stats about bands / videos in a kwcoco file.

coco_visualize_videos - Very useful. Renders bands and annotations to images or animated gifs. Lots of options. Should be ported to kwcoco proper eventaully.

torch_model_stats - Very useful. Human readable metadata report for a trained torch package. (i.e. what bands / sensors / datasets was it trained on).

coco_spectra - Reasonably useful. Makes histograms to visualize and compare channel intensity across sensors / videos.

find_dvc - This is "geowatch_dvc". This helps register / recall paths to DVC repos based on tags to help allow scripts to be written in a magic agnostic way.

Dataset Preparation / Management

prepare_ta2_dataset - The cmdqueue script that does the entire STAC -> Finalized kwcoco "DropX" dataset. This is how we make new drops.

stac_search - Step 1 in "prepare_ta2_dataset". How we search stac to find images. Produces an "inputs" file.

baseline_framework_ingress - Step 2 in "prepare_ta2_dataset". Creates a catalog from results of a STAC query.

stac_to_kwcoco - Step 3 in "prepare_ta2_datset". Very useful. The main stac to kwcoco conversion. Given a stac catalog makes a kwcoco file that references the virtual gdal images. Might need a rename.

coco_add_watch_fields - Step 3 in "prepare_ta2_dataset. Helper to add special fields (e.g. geodata) to an existing kwcoco file from geotiff metata.

coco_align_geotiffs - Step 4 in "prepare_ta2_dataset". The big cropping script that creates the main videos. Could be better.

reproject_annotations - Step 5 in "prepare_ta2_dataset". Projects site models onto a kwcoco set and adds the them as kwcoco annotations.

prepare_splits - Runs after "prepare_ta2_dataset" to finalize train/valiation splits. Computes predefined train / validation splits on main kwcoco files.

Production / Prediction / Evaluation

  • Note: new geowatch.mlops stuff will go in this category.
  • TODO: The geowatch.<task>.predict scripts should be exposed here.
  • TODO: The geowatch.<task>.evaluate scripts should be exposed here.

prepare_teamfeats - The cmdqueue team feature computation script. Computes team features on an existing raw kwcoco dataset. Part of evaluation.

kwcoco_to_geojson - This is the tracking / activity classification pipeline. A rename would be good.

run_metrics_framework - Executes IARPA metrics

coco_average_features - Takes the average of specified bands. The idea is this is used to ensemble the output of multiple predictions from different models.

coco_combine_features - Takes two kwcoco files with complementary feature bands (i.e. materials and landcover team features) and combines them to a single one. Might need a rename to concatenate assets?

gifify - Helper script that should be moved elsewhere.

crop_sites_to_regions - Crops site models to remove ones outside region models. Used at the end of the production pipeline.

Secondary Scripts

coco_crop_tracks - Crops an existing kwcoco to per-track videos. Originally designed to move from BAS to SC, but it might not be useful anymore. Not quite sure.

animate_visualizations - Helper to make animated gifs from visualize videos. Should be folded into visualize_videos

coco_shard - The idea is to split kwcoco files into multiple smaller ones. Not really used.

coco_bad_empty_images - helper to find images with no data in a kwcoco file and remove them

coco_reformat_channels - helps quantize data to uint16 if any underlying image data is float32, this is a fixit script for old results that didnt quantize predictions. Might still be useful.

geotiffs_to_kwcoco - Make a kwcoco from unordered geotiffs collections.

merge_region_models - merges a multiple geojson file into a single one. Probably not needed, but still used in one demo.

The "geowatch_dvc" command

We provide a utility to help manage data paths called "geowatch_dvc". It comes preconfigured with common paths for core-developer machines You can see what paths are available by using the "list" command

geowatch_dvc list

which outputs something like this:

               name hardware         tags                                                               path  exists
0    drop4_expt_ssd      ssd  phase2_expt                            /root/data/dvc-repos/smart_expt_dvc-ssd   False
1    drop4_data_ssd      ssd  phase2_data                            /root/data/dvc-repos/smart_data_dvc-ssd   False
2    drop4_expt_hdd      hdd  phase2_expt                                /root/data/dvc-repos/smart_expt_dvc   False
3    drop4_data_hdd      hdd  phase2_data                                /root/data/dvc-repos/smart_data_dvc   False

To see full help use geowatch_dvc --help

usage: FindDVCConfig

Command line helper to find the path to the watch DVC repo

positional arguments:
  command               can be find, set, add, list, or remove
  name                  specify a name to query or store or remove

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --command COMMAND     can be find, set, add, list, or remove (default: find)
  --name NAME           specify a name to query or store or remove (default: None)
  --hardware HARDWARE   Specify hdd, ssd, etc..., Setable and getable property (default: None)
  --priority PRIORITY   Higher is more likely. Setable and getable property (default: None)
  --tags TAGS           User note. Setable and queryable property (default: None)
  --path PATH           The path to the dvc repo. Setable and queryable property (default: None)
  --verbose VERBOSE     verbosity mode (default: 1)
  --must_exist MUST_EXIST
                        if True, filter to only directories that exist. Defaults to false except on "find", which is True. (default: auto)
  --config CONFIG       special scriptconfig option that accepts the path to a on-disk configuration file, and loads that into this 'FindDVCConfig' object. (default: None)
  --dump DUMP           If specified, dump this config to disk. (default: None)
  --dumps               If specified, dump this config stdout (default: False)