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Json Web Crawler

NPM version Node version Open Source Love

Use JSON to list all elements (with css 3 and jquery selector) that you want to crawl.



npm i json-web-crawler --save
const crawl = require('json-web-crawler');

crawl('HTML content', your json setting)



The default type is content.

  • content: crawl specific $container to a single json.
  • list: crawl a list like Google search result into multi data.


DOM element that will focus on. If type is list, it will crawl each container class.


Optional, enable in list type only, use when you don't want to crawl the whole list. ** ALL STRAT FROM 0 **

  • [ 'limit', 10 ]: ten elements only (eq(0) ~ eq(9)).
  • [ 'range', 6, 12 ]: from eq(6) to eq(12 - 1). If without end, it will continue to the last one.
  • [ 'focus', 0, 3, 7, ... ]: specific elements in list (eq(0), eq(3), eq(7), ...). You can use -1, -2 to count from backward.
  • [ 'ignore', 1, 2, 5 ]: elements you want to ignore it. You can use -1, -2 to count from backward.


keyName: { options } => keyName: data

crawl: {
  image: {
    elem: 'img',
    get: 'src'

// will become


  • elem: element inside container. If empty or undefined, it will use container or listElems instead
  • noChild (boolean): remove all children elem under $(elem)
  • outOfContainer (boolean): If exist, It will use $('html').find(elem)
  • get: return type of element
    • text
    • num
    • length: $element.length
    • attrName: $element.attr('attrName')
    • data-dataName: $'dataNAme')
    • data-dataName:X: X is optional.
      • If data is an array, set data-dataName:0 will return $'dataAttribute')[0].
      • If data is an object, set data-dataName:id will return $'dataAttribute')['id'].
      • If X not exist, it will return the whole data.
  • process: If you want to do something else after 'get' (string type only)
// You can use some simple functions that existed in lodash.
process: [
  ['match', /regex here/, number],  // => str.match(/regex here/)[number], return array if no number, but will cause other process won't work
  ['split', ',', number],           // => str.split(',')[number], return array if no number, but will cause other process won't work
  ['replace', 'one', 'two'],
  ['substring', 0, 3],
  ['prepend', 'text'],              // => 'text' + value
  ['append', 'text'],               // => value + 'text'
  ['indexOf', 'text']               // => return number
  ['INDENPENDENT_FUNCTION'],        // like encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, unescape, etc...
    * Due to lodash has the same name `escape` & `unescape` functions with
    * different behavior, the origin `escape` & `unescape` function will
    * renamed to `encode` & `decode` instead.

// Or you want to DIY, you can use function instead
process(value, $elem /* jquery dom */) {
  // do something

  return newValue;
  • collect: If the value you want is sperated to several elements, use collect to find them all.

    • elems: contain multi elements array.
    • loop (boolean): It will run all elems (like li) you want to get
    • combineWith: without this, collect will return array
  • default: return default value when elem not found, null or undefined (process will be ignored)


If match, it will return page not found error.

  • elem
  • get
  • check: like process, but only one step


Content Type

Steam Dota2 page in demo.

const setting = {
  type: 'content',
  container: '#game_highlights .rightcol',
  crawl: {
    appId: {
      elem: '.glance_tags',
      get:  'data-appid'
    appName: {
      outOfContainer: true,
      elem: '.apphub_AppName',
      get:  'text'
    image: {
      elem: '.game_header_image_full',
      get:  'src'
    reviews: {
      elem: '.game_review_summary:eq(0)',
      get:  'text',
    tags: {
      elem: '.glance_tags',
      collect: {
        elems: [{
          elem: 'a.app_tag:eq(0)',
          get:  'text'
        }, {
          elem: 'a.app_tag:eq(1)',
          get:  'text'
        }, {
          elem: 'a.app_tag:eq(2)',
          get:  'text'
        combineWith: ', '
    allTags: {
      elem: '.glance_tags a.app_tag',
      collect: {
        loop: true,
        get:  'text',
        combineWith: ', '
    description: {
      elem: '.game_description_snippet',
      get:  'text',
      process(value, $elem) {
        return value.split(', ');
    releaseDate: {
      elem: '.release_date .date',
      get:  'text'

List Type

KickStarter popular list in demo.

const setting = {
  pageNotFound: [{
    elem: '.grey-frame-inner h1',
    get:  'text',
    check: ['equal', '404']
  type: 'list',
  container: '#projects_list .project-card',
  listOption: [ 'limit', 3 ],
  // listOption: [ 'range', 0, 10 ],
  // listOption: [ 'ignore', 0, 2, -1 ],
  // listOption: [ 'focus', 3, -3 ],
  crawl: {
    projectID: {
      get: 'data-pid',
    name: {
      elem: '.project-title',
      get:  'text',
    image: {
      elem: '.project-thumbnail img',
      get:  'src'
    link: {
      elem: '.project-title a',
      get:  'href',
      process: [
        [ 'split', '?', 0 ],
        [ 'prepend', '' ]
    description: {
      elem: '.project-blurb',
      get:  'text'
    funded: {
      elem: '.project-stats-value:eq(0)',
      get:  'text'
    percentPledged: {
      elem: '.project-percent-pledged',
      get:  'style',
      process: [
        [ 'split', /:\s?/g, 1 ]
    pledged: {
      elem: '.money.usd',
      get:  'num'