In objective-c, headers
contain our methods
and as you will remember our methods
allow us to change and modify code on our device
This is the header for SBVolumeControl.h
as we found in our previous lesson
#import <SpringBoard/SpringBoard-Structs.h>
#import <libobjc.A.dylib/SBVolumeHUDViewControllerDelegate.h>
#import <libobjc.A.dylib/PTSettingsKeyObserver.h>
#import <libobjc.A.dylib/SBAVSystemControllerCacheObserver.h>
@protocol OS_dispatch_queue;
@class SBHUDController, SBVolumeHUDSettings, SBRingerControl, NSMutableArray, NSMutableSet, NSString, NSObject, SBAVSystemControllerCache, NSArray;
@interface SBVolumeControl : NSObject <SBVolumeHUDViewControllerDelegate, PTSettingsKeyObserver, SBAVSystemControllerCacheObserver> {
+(BOOL)_isVolumeChangeAllowedForState:(id)arg1 error:(out id*)arg2 ;
-(void)settings:(id)arg1 changedValueForKey:(id)arg2 ;
-(void)handleVolumeButtonWithType:(long long)arg1 down:(BOOL)arg2 ;
This header file is a lot bigger and the rest of it is hidden for the purpose of the guide. Please remember in practice header files can be massive but they can also be relatively small
So you first impression is probably... what the hell is that. Well the good news is we don't need to worry about the majority of it.
Well first, the site has a handy button right next to it called logify
this automatically converts the header
into logos
So if we press that button it will give us this
%hook SBVolumeControl
+(id)sharedInstance { %log; id r = %orig; HBLogDebug(@" = %@", r); return r; }
+(BOOL)_isVolumeChangeAllowedForState:(id)arg1 error:(out id*)arg2 { %log; BOOL r = %orig; HBLogDebug(@" = %d", r); return r; }
-(float)_effectiveVolume { %log; float r = %orig; HBLogDebug(@" = %f", r); return r; }
-(void)settings:(id)arg1 changedValueForKey:(id)arg2 { %log; %orig; }
-(void)increaseVolume { %log; %orig; }
-(void)decreaseVolume { %log; %orig; }
-(void)cancelVolumeEvent { %log; %orig; }
-(void)handleVolumeButtonWithType:(long long)arg1 down:(BOOL)arg2 { %log; %orig; }
Again this file is bigger just like the header but is hidden for the sake of the guide
Now this will look a bit more familiar, but again we don't need to worry about most of it
automatically gives us the correct hook
and class
so we don't need to worry about that
So if we have our hook
and our class
the only missing thing is our method
Lets scroll through the code logify
has given us and see if anything stands out
-(void)increaseVolume { %log; %orig; }
-(void)decreaseVolume { %log; %orig; }
Now these two methods seem like they control volume, which is perfect and exactly what we want.
So lets make the hook
smaller as we don't need the rest of the methods
%hook SBVolumeControl
-(void)increaseVolume { %log; %orig; }
-(void)decreaseVolume { %log; %orig; }
Now thats a lot more manageable, but we can still trim it down a bit, lets format it So we can read it a lot better
%hook SBVolumeControl
-(void)increaseVolume {
-(void)decreaseVolume {
If we really wanted to trim it down more we can remove the %log
as I will show you another method of debugging
%hook SBVolumeControl
-(void)increaseVolume {
-(void)decreaseVolume {
Now thats, way easier to understand. So lets put it together.