Add the Kommunicate plugin in your Flutter app using the following guide:
Add the Firebase Core and FirebaseMessaging pods in the PodFile and run
pod install
( -
In the AppDelegate.swift file, set up the methods to configure Firebase and set the Firebase Messaging delegate. This includes methods to get the FCM token and refresh it whenever it changes.
- In AppDelegate.swift file’s
, pass the device token registration to Kommunicate server after you get deviceToken from APNS.
To disable method swizzling: add the flag
in the app’s Info.plist file and set it to NO (boolean value) -
For apps with method swizzling disabled, associating the FCM token with the device's APNs token and passing notification-received events to Analytics should be done manually.
To handle the app launch, when the user clicks on a notification, check if the notification received is a Kommunicate notification.
In the
, pass the response dictionary to Kommunicate Notification Service’sisKommunicateNotification()
( -
If true, it can be then passed to process the notification, using the
method. -
If false, the notification can be passed onto FCM’s