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148 lines (108 loc) · 6.5 KB

File metadata and controls

148 lines (108 loc) · 6.5 KB
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OpenNFTs is the NFT lego : a library of smarcontract components, enabling the development of numerous NFT Collections

The general architeture of this library is mainly visible via the inheritance graph of the main OpenNFTs component:

//   OpenERC165
//   (supports)
//       |
//       ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
//       |                                       |             |              |
//   OpenERC721                            OpenERC2981    OpenERC173    OpenCloneable
//     (NFT)                              (RoyaltyInfo)    (ownable)          |
//       |                                        |            |              |
//       ——————————————————————————————————————   |     ————————              |
//       |                        |           |   |     |      |              |
//  OpenERC721Metadata  OpenERC721Enumerable  |   ———————      |              |
//       |                        |           |   |            |              |
//       |                        |      OpenMarketable   OpenPauseable       |
//       |                        |             |              |              |
//       ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
//       |
//    OpenNFTs —— IOpenNFTs

These components have been initially created by the Kredeum NFTs project


Install with npm :

npm install Kredeum/OpenNFTs

or forge :

forge install Kredeum/OpenNFTs


Components are abstracted smartcontracts to be inherited from :


OpenERC extension pack, implementation of some of NFT relative ERCs


OpenNFTs main pack, to be used by your NFT template

  • OpenGuard.sol : Guard from reentrancy attack
  • OpenMarketable.sol : AutoMarket component, to sell your NFT at a defined price with royalties (conformant to EIP-2981) with no need of a centralized MarketPlace
  • OpenNFT.sol : Generic NFT components
  • OpenPauseable.sol : Pausable extension, obviously allows to pause smartcontract


OpenResolve extension pack, to read whatever NFTs infos : free, no gas required !

  • OpenChecker.sol : Checkable extension, to check multiple ERC165 extensions
  • OpenGetter.sol : Get infos from whatever NFT Collection and list of minted NFTs
  • OpenRegistry.sol : Register your favorite NFT Collections, to be queried multiple times
  • OpenResolver.sol : Resolve all the infos from a set of Collections


OpenClone extension pack, via the use of EIP-1167 "Minimal Proxy"

  • OpenCloner.sol : inherited by factory cloner
  • OpenCloneable.sol : inherited by template smartcontracts to be cloned


Here are some smartcontracts given as example on howto "compose" components to make usable NFT Collections:

  • OpenNFTsEx : a generic NFT template

  • OpenAutoMarketEx : a template with AutoMarket

  • OpenResolverEx : a generic Resolver to get NFT infos

  • OpenBoundEx : a multichain SoulBound NFT template

  • OpenClonerEx : a NFTs Factory template

Be carefull, these templates are not production ready.


A full set of solidity 'forge' tests are available to validate components and templates, to run them :

forge test

Those tests are very generic and enable you to test whatever NFTs smartcontracts, with few added code.


This is still beta software, and has not been audited yet, so use at your own risks.

We are welcoming any help via PR to develop new components. Like, for example, ERC1155 support or a OpenMuliMintable component (enabling minting of multiple NFTs in a single transaction).

OpenNFTs is not "gas optimized", so deploy it carefully on Ethereum mainnet. That's why it's more dedicated to templates, to be cloned mutliple times, than for a unique NFT Collection deployment.

You can also use Kredeum Dapp to create NFT Collection without any coding.


This OpenSource project has been developped with the help of :

Thanks to all of them.