This tool converts Ouster pcaps to rosbags containg only the packets in the /os_node/lidar_packets
and /os_node/imu_packets
If you would like PointCloud2
msgs you will need to run the resulting bagfile through the ouster_ros
node and record the /os_cloud_node/points
Install requirements prior to building using the command below.
sudo apt install libpcap-dev libtins-dev
You will create a new catkin workspace and link both the ouster_example
and pcap-to-bag
code repos.
The code repos can live anywhere on your machine, just make sure to use absolute paths like /home/user/pcap-to-bag
and do not use relative paths such as ~/pcap-to-bag
NOTE: You must use ouster_example at tag 20210608
mkdir -p myworkspace/src
cd myworkspace
ln -s /path/to/ouster_example ./src/
ln -s /path/to/pcap-to-bag ./src/
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- After building, the
executable will be in this folder:myworkspace/devel/lib/pcap_to_bag/
- You can run
./pcap_to_bag name_of_pcap.pcap name_of_bag.bag lidar_payload_size_bytes
- e.g. for a 128 channel sensor in udp_profile_lidar=RNG15_RFL8_NIR8
./pcap_to_bag my.pcap my.bag 8448
- Reference the user manual for calculating the lidar_payload_size.