Drill can be deployed in a distributed cluster environment, for large-scale data processing. Zookeeper is used for cluster co-ordination and is a pre-requisite for this mode. The current set of images include stand-alone zookeeper and drill. HDFS is not included.
git clone [email protected]:agirish/drill-containers.git
cd drill-containers/kubernetes
$ kubectl create -f namespace.yaml
namespace "apache" created
$ kubectl create -f zk.yaml
service "zk-service" created
statefulset.apps "zk" created
$ kubectl create -f drill.yaml
service "drill-service" created
statefulset.apps "drillbit" created
$ kubectl get pods -n apache -w
drillbit-0 1/1 Running 0 40s
zk-0 1/1 Running 0 1m
$ kubectl exec -it drillbit-0 --namespace=apache -- bash
# /opt/drill/bin/drill-localhost
apache drill 1.14.0
"a drill is a terrible thing to waste"
0: jdbc:drill:drillbit=localhost> select version from sys.drillbits;
| version |
| 1.14.0 |
1 row selected (0.371 seconds)