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Provides additional APIs for my other mods.


Mod Integration

FuryCore Services can be integrated through a direct reference or through an API.

Direct Integration

You can directly integrate by adding a reference to your csproj file.

Sample mod.csproj file:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

    <PackageReference Include="Pathoschild.Stardew.ModBuildConfig" Version="3.3.0" />
    <Reference Include="FuryCore">

You'll need to create your own instance of Mod Services and then you can add FuryCore Services to your own using the API from the GameLaunched SMAPI event.

Sample ModEntry.cs file:

public class ModEntry : Mod
  private ModServices Services { get; } = new();

  private void OnGameLaunched(object sender, GameLaunchedEventArgs e)
    if (this.Helper.ModRegistry.IsLoaded("furyx639.FuryCore"))
      var furyCoreApi = this.Helper.ModRegistry.GetApi<IFuryCoreApi>("furyx639.FuryCore");


Get basic access to FuryCore services using the Fury Core API.


Some integration is possible via data paths using SMAPI or Content Patcher.


Sample content.json:

  "Format": "1.24.0",
  "Changes": [
    // Load Texture Icons
      "Action": "Load",
      "Target": "example.ModId/Icons",
      "FromFile": "assets/icon.png"

    // Add Icon to launch Chests Anywhere
      "Action": "EditData",
      "Target": "furyx639.FuryCore/Toolbar",
      "Entries": {
        "B": "{{i18n:}}/example.ModId\\Icons/0/Left",
      "When": {
        "HasMod": "Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere"


Item Matcher

Stores a list of search phrases to test against an Item. It's able to make exact or partial searches and can use the name or any of the item's context tags. Also adds some custom context tags for searching items based on if they are furniture, an artifact, can be donated to a bundle, and/or can be donated to the museum.



GameObjects Removed

Triggers when inaccessible game objects are purged from the cache.


ItemGrabMenu Changed

Triggered whenever an ItemGrabMenu is constructed, and whenever the Active Menu switches to/from an ItemGrabMenu.On construction, this event triggers as a postfix to the vanilla ItemGrabMenu constructor so any changes made are before the menu is displayed to the screen.


MenuComponent Pressed

Triggers when a vanilla or custom component is pressed on an ItemGrabMenu.


Rendered ItemGrabMenu

Identical to RenderingActiveMenu except for it only triggers for ItemGrabMenu, and anything drawn to the SpriteBatch will be above the background fade but below the actual menu graphics. Great for menu underlays.


Rendering ItemGrabMenu

Identical to RenderedActiveMenu except for it only triggers for ItemGrabMenu, and anything drawn to the SpriteBatch will be above the menu but below the cursor and any hover elements such as text or item.


ToolbarIcon Pressed

Triggers when a custom toolbar icon is pressed.



Custom Events

[ Interface | Source ]

Custom Tags

[ Interface | Source ]

Game Objects

Provides access to most objects in the game including items, buildings, and locations.

[ Interface | Source ]

Harmony Helper

Saves a list of Harmony Patches, and allows them to be applied or reversed at any time.

[ Interface | Source ]

Menu Components

Add custom components to the ItemGrabMenu which can optionally automatically align to certain areas of the screen. In this case neighboring components are automatically assigned for controller support.

[ Interface | Source ]

Menu Items

Allows displayed items to be handled separately from actual items. This enables support for such things as filtering displayed items or scrolling an overflow of items without affecting the source inventory.

[ Interface | Source ]

Mod Services

All of FuryCores APIs are access through this service.

[ Interface | Source ]

Toolbar Icons

Add icons to the left or right of the player items toolbar.

[ Interface | Source ]


DropDown Menu

A simple menu that will display a list of string values, and calls an action on the selected value.


Gradient Bar

A vertical or horizontal bar that can represent a color gradient using a function which returns a color from a float between 0 and 1, with intervals that depend on the resolution.


HSL Color Picker

A child class of DiscreteColorPicker that includes a Hue, Saturation, and Lightness bar for more precise color selections.


Item Selection Menu

A menu that displays all items in the game, with search functionality by name, and will add/remove item context tags in an ItemMatcher.



Add Custom Tags

Choose whether to allow adding custom tags to items.

  • category_artifact added to all items that are Artifacts.
  • category_furniture added to all items that are Furniture.
  • donate_bundle added to all items that can be donated to a Community Center bundle.
  • donate_museum added to all items that can be donated to the Museum.

Scroll Menu Overflow

Choose whether to handle scrolling items that overflow an ItemGrabMenu.

Enabling this option will capture the MouseWheelScrolled event and add up/down arrow buttons to scroll items.


Language Status Credits
Chinese ❌️ Not Translated
French ❌️ Not Translated
German ❌️ Not Translated
Hungarian ❌️ Not Translated
Italian ❌️ Not Translated
Japanese ❌️ Not Translated
Korean ❌️ Not Translated
Portuguese ❌️ Not Translated
Russian ❌️ Not Translated
Spanish ❌️ Not Translated
Turkish ❌️ Not Translated