diff --git a/common/helpers/cv2_pcl/src/cv2_pcl/__init__.py b/common/helpers/cv2_pcl/src/cv2_pcl/__init__.py
index 05f3ef901..dfc27415c 100644
--- a/common/helpers/cv2_pcl/src/cv2_pcl/__init__.py
+++ b/common/helpers/cv2_pcl/src/cv2_pcl/__init__.py
@@ -2,12 +2,23 @@
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
import ros_numpy as rnp
import cv2
+from cv2_img import cv2_img_to_msg
from typing import Tuple, Union
Mat = np.ndarray
+def pcl_to_img_msg(pcl: PointCloud2) -> Mat:
+ """
+ Convert a given PointCloud2 message to img_msg
+ """
+ # keep the same timestamp
+ cv2 = pcl_to_cv2(pcl)
+ return cv2_img_to_msg(cv2, pcl.header.stamp)
def pcl_to_cv2(
pcl: PointCloud2, height: Union[int, None] = None, width: Union[int, None] = None
) -> Mat:
diff --git a/common/vision/lasr_vision_bodypix/src/lasr_vision_bodypix/bodypix.py b/common/vision/lasr_vision_bodypix/src/lasr_vision_bodypix/bodypix.py
index dcd811b89..b6afa0f6a 100644
--- a/common/vision/lasr_vision_bodypix/src/lasr_vision_bodypix/bodypix.py
+++ b/common/vision/lasr_vision_bodypix/src/lasr_vision_bodypix/bodypix.py
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ def detect(
keypoints_msg = []
for i, keypoint in pose.keypoints.items():
if camel_to_snake(keypoint.part) in request.masks[0].parts:
keypoint_msg = BodyPixKeypoint()
keypoint_msg.xy = [int(keypoint.position.x), int(keypoint.position.y)]
diff --git a/common/vision/lasr_vision_msgs/msg/BodyPixPose.msg b/common/vision/lasr_vision_msgs/msg/BodyPixPose.msg
index 1ba8b9f7d..0d416eeae 100644
--- a/common/vision/lasr_vision_msgs/msg/BodyPixPose.msg
+++ b/common/vision/lasr_vision_msgs/msg/BodyPixPose.msg
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-# keypoints
BodyPixKeypoint[] keypoints
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_faces.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_faces.py
index c0605b3f8..55af6204a 100644
--- a/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_faces.py
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_faces.py
@@ -3,21 +3,30 @@
from lasr_vision_msgs.srv import DetectFaces as DetectFacesSrv
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
+from cv2_pcl import pcl_to_img_msg
class DetectFaces(smach.State):
- def __init__(self, image_topic: str = "/xtion/rgb/image_raw"):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ image_topic: str = "/xtion/rgb/image_raw",
+ ):
- self, outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"], output_keys=["detections"]
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["pcl_msg"],
+ output_keys=["detections"],
+ self.img_msg = None
self._image_topic = image_topic
self._detect_faces = rospy.ServiceProxy("/detect_faces", DetectFacesSrv)
def execute(self, userdata):
- img_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(self._image_topic, Image)
+ self.img_msg = pcl_to_img_msg(userdata.pcl_msg)
+ if not self.img_msg:
+ self.img_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(self._image_topic, Image)
- result = self._detect_faces(img_msg)
+ result = self._detect_faces(self.img_msg)
userdata.detections = result
return "succeeded"
except rospy.ServiceException as e:
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/look_at_person.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/look_at_person.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1fc477518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/look_at_person.py
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+import smach_ros
+from geometry_msgs.msg import PointStamped
+import smach
+from vision import GetPointCloud
+from lasr_vision_msgs.srv import BodyPixDetection, BodyPixDetectionRequest
+from lasr_vision_msgs.msg import BodyPixMaskRequest
+from lasr_skills import LookToPoint, DetectFaces
+import cv2
+import rospy
+from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
+from cv2_img import cv2_img_to_msg, msg_to_cv2_img
+from markers import create_and_publish_marker
+from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker
+from cv2_pcl import pcl_to_img_msg
+import ros_numpy as rnp
+import rosservice
+from smach import CBState
+from std_msgs.msg import String
+import actionlib
+from control_msgs.msg import PointHeadAction, PointHeadGoal
+from geometry_msgs.msg import Point
+ from pal_startup_msgs.srv import (
+ StartupStart,
+ StartupStop,
+ StartupStartRequest,
+ StartupStopRequest,
+ )
+except ModuleNotFoundError:
+class LookAtPerson(smach.StateMachine):
+ class CheckEyes(smach.State):
+ def __init__(self, debug=True):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed", "no_detection"],
+ input_keys=["bbox_eyes", "pcl_msg", "masks", "detections"],
+ output_keys=["pointstamped"],
+ )
+ self.DEBUG = debug
+ self.img_pub = rospy.Publisher("/debug/image", Image, queue_size=1)
+ self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher("eyes", Marker, queue_size=1)
+ self.look_at_pub = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
+ "/head_controller/point_head_action", PointHeadAction
+ )
+ def execute(self, userdata):
+ rospy.sleep(1)
+ if len(userdata.bbox_eyes) < 1 and len(userdata.detections.detections) > 0:
+ return "succeeded"
+ elif (
+ len(userdata.bbox_eyes) < 1 and len(userdata.detections.detections) < 1
+ ):
+ return "no_detection"
+ for det in userdata.bbox_eyes:
+ left_eye = det["left_eye"]
+ right_eye = det["right_eye"]
+ eye_point = (left_eye[0] + right_eye[0]) / 2, (
+ left_eye[1] + right_eye[1]
+ ) / 2
+ if self.DEBUG:
+ img = msg_to_cv2_img(pcl_to_img_msg(userdata.pcl_msg))
+ cv2.circle(img, (left_eye[0], left_eye[1]), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1)
+ cv2.circle(img, (right_eye[0], right_eye[1]), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1)
+ img_msg1 = cv2_img_to_msg(img)
+ self.img_pub.publish(img_msg1)
+ pcl_xyz = rnp.point_cloud2.pointcloud2_to_xyz_array(
+ userdata.pcl_msg, remove_nans=False
+ )
+ eye_point_pcl = pcl_xyz[int(eye_point[1]), int(eye_point[0])]
+ if any([True for i in eye_point_pcl if i != i]):
+ eye_point_pcl = pcl_xyz[int(right_eye[1]), int(right_eye[0])]
+ look_at = PointStamped()
+ look_at.header = userdata.pcl_msg.header
+ look_at.point.x = eye_point_pcl[0]
+ look_at.point.y = eye_point_pcl[1]
+ look_at.point.z = eye_point_pcl[2]
+ if self.DEBUG:
+ create_and_publish_marker(self.marker_pub, look_at, r=0, g=1, b=0)
+ userdata.bbox_eyes.remove(det)
+ userdata.pointstamped = look_at
+ self.look_at_pub.wait_for_server()
+ goal = PointHeadGoal()
+ goal.pointing_frame = "head_2_link"
+ goal.pointing_axis = Point(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ goal.max_velocity = 1.0
+ goal.target = look_at
+ self.look_at_pub.send_goal(goal)
+ return "succeeded"
+ return "failed"
+ @smach.cb_interface(input_keys=["poses", "detections"], output_keys=["bbox_eyes"])
+ def match_poses_and_detections(ud):
+ bbox_eyes = []
+ for pose in ud.poses:
+ for detection in ud.detections.detections:
+ temp = {
+ "bbox": detection.xywh,
+ }
+ for keypoint in pose.keypoints:
+ if (
+ keypoint.part == "leftEye"
+ and detection.xywh[0]
+ < keypoint.xy[0]
+ < detection.xywh[0] + detection.xywh[2]
+ and detection.xywh[1]
+ < keypoint.xy[1]
+ < detection.xywh[1] + detection.xywh[3]
+ ):
+ temp["left_eye"] = keypoint.xy
+ if (
+ keypoint.part == "rightEye"
+ and detection.xywh[0]
+ < keypoint.xy[0]
+ < detection.xywh[0] + detection.xywh[2]
+ and detection.xywh[1]
+ < keypoint.xy[1]
+ < detection.xywh[1] + detection.xywh[3]
+ ):
+ temp["right_eye"] = keypoint.xy
+ if "left_eye" in temp and "right_eye" in temp:
+ bbox_eyes.append(temp)
+ ud.bbox_eyes = bbox_eyes
+ return "succeeded"
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(LookAtPerson, self).__init__(
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=[],
+ output_keys=["masks", "poses", "pointstamped"],
+ )
+ self.DEBUG = rospy.get_param("/debug", True)
+ "/pal_startup_control/start" not in rosservice.get_service_list()
+ )
+ with self:
+ rospy.logwarn(
+ "You are using a public container. The head manager will not be stopped during navigation."
+ )
+ else:
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ smach_ros.ServiceState(
+ "/pal_startup_control/stop",
+ StartupStop,
+ request=StartupStopRequest("head_manager"),
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "GET_IMAGE",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ "preempted": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ GetPointCloud("/xtion/depth_registered/points"),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "SEGMENT_PERSON",
+ },
+ remapping={"pcl_msg": "pcl_msg"},
+ )
+ eyes = BodyPixMaskRequest()
+ eyes.parts = ["left_eye", "right_eye"]
+ masks = [eyes]
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ smach_ros.ServiceState(
+ "/bodypix/detect",
+ BodyPixDetection,
+ request_cb=lambda ud, _: BodyPixDetectionRequest(
+ pcl_to_img_msg(ud.pcl_msg), "resnet50", 0.7, masks
+ ),
+ response_slots=["masks", "poses"],
+ input_keys=["pcl_msg"],
+ output_keys=["masks", "poses"],
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "DETECT_FACES",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ "preempted": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ DetectFaces(),
+ transitions={
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ remapping={"pcl_msg": "pcl_msg", "detections": "detections"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ CBState(
+ self.match_poses_and_detections,
+ input_keys=["poses", "detections"],
+ output_keys=["poses"],
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ ),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "CHECK_EYES", "failed": "failed"},
+ remapping={"bbox_eyes": "bbox_eyes"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.CheckEyes(self.DEBUG),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "LOOK_TO_POINT",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ "no_detection": "succeeded",
+ },
+ remapping={
+ "pcl_msg": "pcl_msg",
+ "bbox_eyes": "bbox_eyes",
+ "pointstamped": "pointstamped",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ LookToPoint(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "LOOP",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ "preempted": "failed",
+ },
+ remapping={"pointstamped": "pointstamped"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ "LOOP",
+ smach.CBState(
+ lambda ud: "succeeded" if len(ud.bbox_eyes) > 0 else "finish",
+ input_keys=["bbox_eyes"],
+ output_keys=["bbox_eyes"],
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "finish"],
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "CHECK_EYES",
+ "finish": "ENABLE_HEAD_MANAGER",
+ },
+ )
+ rospy.logwarn(
+ "You are using a public container. The head manager will not be start following navigation."
+ )
+ else:
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ smach_ros.ServiceState(
+ "/pal_startup_control/start",
+ StartupStart,
+ request=StartupStartRequest("head_manager", ""),
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "preempted": "failed",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/look_to_point.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/look_to_point.py
index 81c633ad7..92fe2e3e1 100755
--- a/skills/src/lasr_skills/look_to_point.py
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/look_to_point.py
@@ -13,10 +13,7 @@ def __init__(self):
pointing_axis=Point(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- target=PointStamped(
- header=Header(frame_id="map"),
- point=ud.point,
- ),
+ target=ud.pointstamped,
- input_keys=["point"],
+ input_keys=["pointstamped"],
diff --git a/tasks/receptionist/launch/setup.launch b/tasks/receptionist/launch/setup.launch
index a8fd79ede..894406256 100644
--- a/tasks/receptionist/launch/setup.launch
+++ b/tasks/receptionist/launch/setup.launch
@@ -19,5 +19,4 @@