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Julius Winter edited this page Nov 2, 2023 · 2 revisions

Zeiss microscope

This is a wiki page for the labs Zeiss Axio Observer 7 microscope.

The microscope is equiped with the following objectives:

  1. A-Plan 10x/0.25 Ph 1
  2. EC Plan-Neofluar 40x/0.75 Ph 2
  3. Plan Apochromat 63x/1.40 Oil Ph 3
  4. Empty
  5. Empty
  6. C-Apochromat 63x/1.20 W Korr UV VIS IR

And the following filter sets:

  1. Chroma 89403 CFP/YFP/RFP/Cy7
  2. DAPI
  3. Texas Red
  4. GFP
  5. Chroma 89402 DAPI/FITC/TRITC/Cy5
  6. Empty

The light source is a CoolLed pE-800 with 8 indipendent LED's with the following wavelengths:

  • 365nm
  • 435nm
  • 470nm
  • 500nm
  • 550nm
  • 580nm
  • 635nm
  • 740nm

The camera is a Photometrics Prime with a pixel size of 6.5µm
The microscope is also equipped with a 405nm FRAP laser system from the company Visitron

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