The tests that vmshed
should run are configured via a TOML file which is set
with --tests
. This document lists the available keys.
Example configuration file: tests.example.toml.
Test run determination describes how these keys together with the VM base image specification are used to select the test runs.
String. Virter provisioning file to run a test.
String for Go's time.ParseDuration
. Timeout for each test run.
Array of String. Paths to copy from each VM after each test run.
Array of Table.
String. Name of the variant. This forms part of the test run ID.
String. The key-value pair will be passed to Virter using --set values.<key>=<value>
when running test_suite_file
Boolean. Configure IPv6 for the access network for test runs of this variant.
Array of String. Only use VM base images with corresponding vm_tags
for test
runs of this variant.
Array of Table. Networks that are added to all test runs.
See virter network add --help
for more details.
String. Forward mode.
Boolean. Configure IPv6.
Boolean. Configure DHCP.
String. Domain name for DNS.
Table. Defines a test with the given name.
Array of Integer. For each value, a test run will be started with this many VMs.
Array of String. Only use VM base images with corresponding vm_tags
for runs
of this test.
Boolean. Use the same VM base image for each VM in any run of this test.
Boolean. Run this test once for each available VM base image.
Array of String. Run this test for only these variants.
Array of Table. Additional networks that are added to this test only. See
for a description of the keys.