The overall directory structure should be:
│ ├──ModelNet/
│ ├──ScanObjectNN/
│ ├──ShapeNet55-34/
│ ├──shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0_normal/
│ ├── modelnet40_shape_names.txt
│ ├── modelnet40_train.txt
│ ├── modelnet40_test.txt
│ ├── modelnet40_train_8192pts_fps.dat
│ ├── modelnet40_test_8192pts_fps.dat
Download: You can download the processed data from Point-BERT repo, or download from the official website and process it by yourself. The txt file are available here: [modelnet40_shape_names.txt] [ modelnet40_test.txt] [modelnet40_train.txt].
│ ├── training_objectdataset_augmentedrot_scale75.h5
│ ├── test_objectdataset_augmentedrot_scale75.h5
│ ├── training_objectdataset.h5
│ ├── test_objectdataset.h5
│ ├── training_objectdataset.h5
│ ├── test_objectdataset.h5
Download: Please download the data from the official website.
│ ├── 02691156-1a04e3eab45ca15dd86060f189eb133.npy
│ ├── 02691156-1a6ad7a24bb89733f412783097373bdc.npy
│ ├── .......
│ ├── train.txt
│ └── test.txt
Download: Please download the data from Point-BERT repo.
│ ├── 1a04e3eab45ca15dd86060f189eb133.txt
│ ├── .......
│── .......
Download: Please download the data from here.