VS Code extension for StackExchange Search. This allows a user to quickly return search results and uses OpenAI for a quick interpretation of results.
Runs using yarn
Dependencies available in package.json
This extension contributes the following settings:
: execute the ufix search starting the field with any text selected
Run yarn
to install all dependencies
Fill in all fields in a key value config file named '.env' OpenAI and Stack Overflow API keys, the stack overflow site url, and the data filters as described https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/filters
yarn watch
(key needed as well)
OPENAI_ORGANIZATION_ID=<Your org, if any (optional)>
STACKEXCHANGE_API_HOSTNAME=<stackexchange api hostname>
STACKEXCHANGE_API_KEY=<stackexchange api key>
STACKEXCHANGE_QUESTION_FILTER=<filter with include:'.items;question.question_id' base=none unsafe=false>
STACKEXCHANGE_ADVANCED_SEARCH_FILTER=<filter with include:'.items;answer.body;answer.up_vote_count;answer.down_vote_count;answer.is_accepted;comment.body;comment.score;question.body;question.comment;question.link;question.question_id;question.title;question.answers;question.comments;' base=none unsafe=false>
STACKEXCHANGE_SITE_NAME=<stack site display name>
STACKEXCHANGE_SITE_HOSTNAME=<url for new questions>
STACKEXCHANGE_API_PATH=<path ending with version 2.3 e.g. '/api/2.3'>
yarn vscode:prepublish
then add the package to your vscode instance.
Search the command palette for StackExchange
and run the command or right click after selecting text in the editor
Optionally, set a shortcut to the command.