Setting up LLVM can be quite hairy. This should guide you through the necessary steps to get LLVM up and running to develop metareflect.
- Around 20 GB of free disk space
- A powerful computer (or some time)
- Clone LLVM
git clone llvm
- Clone Clang
cd llvm/tools
git clone clang
- Clone Clang-Extra-Tools
cd clang/tools
git clone extra
- Clone Metareflect
cd extra
git clone metareflect
- Add Metareflect to CMakeLists.txt (assuming a posix shell)
echo "add_subdirectory(metareflect/metareflect)" >> CMakeLists.txt
The following assumes you're working on Windows using Visual Studio.
The steps are similar for *nix-like operating systems, simply switch out
the Visual Studio CMake generator with ninja
- Generating CMake Build
cd path/to/llvm/root
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G"Visual Studio 2017 Win64"
- Open the resulting Visual Studio project
You're all set!
Navigate to the metareflect
project to get started with development.