- #127, display content statistics
- change content status code public => publish
- #127, count contents
- move quick guide
- #207, write quick guide
- update install.sh
- enhance message preview interaction
- worked #178
- fixed #183
- worked #182
- worked #182
- worked #182
- enhance log #176
- #176 issue close
- fixed bad type
- fixed bad typo
- #170 close
- #171 close
- #171 for test
- #165 close
- fixed haroopress core path
- haroo engine rename path
- Merge branch 'devel' of github.com:rhiokim/haroopress into devel
- Merge branch 'release/v0.8.4' into devel
- Merge branch 'release/v0.8.4' into devel
- update welcome article
- #161 enhance make setup script
- #152 clear option
- update welcome article
- enhance interactive preview message
- Merge branch 'devel' of github.com:rhiokim/haroopress into release/v0.8.4
- #157 add interactive preview on browser
- Merge branch 'release/v0.8.4' of github.com:rhiokim/haroopress into release/v0.8.4
- add express npm module
- Merge branch 'devel' of github.com:rhiokim/haroopress into devel
- #147 error fixed export path
- #147 worked creating default user profile markdown
- #151 add pagenate at config.js
- #153 Category name toLowerCase
- update description make script
- Merge branch 'release/v0.8.3'
- Merge branch 'release/v0.8.3' into devel
- Merge branch 'devel' into release/v0.8.3
- #146 added make script description
- #140 worked recent articles plugin limit
- Merge branch 'feature/enhance-initialize-step' into devel
- change make-init procedure order
- remove source/data in git-index
- change order in make script
- fixed make script error
- fixed untracked _init dir
- error untracked _init dir
- #143 enhance initialize step
- Merge branch 'release/v0.8.2' into devel
- Merge branch 'release/v0.8.2' into devel
- modify _config.js
- fixed css
- update rss template
- update wood theme css
- #105 google search plugin
- adjust theme to page
- #104 made wood-theme
- worked theme structure
- fixed public dir
- fixed public dir
- fixed public dir
- Merge branch 'feature/redesign-archive-list' into devel
- #96 redesign archives page
- object sorting test
- fixed conflict
- #93 disqus coment count is completed
- #97 is completed
- Merge branch 'devel' into feature/redesign-archive-list
- update js
- generated_toc remove
- add bg classname in well css
- worked basic markup & completed function
- worked twitter button link
- .
- enhancement header area
- Merge branch 'feature/404-page' into devel
- worked Issue #17
- merge from devel
- issue drop! gone to backlog
- Merge branch 'feature/plugin-github' into devel
- adjust mustache & worked github plugin, progress bar effect
- refactoring
- worked display repo detail info
- unregister repo click handler
- worked github & twitter base markup, function
- remove unused module
- worked make preview open browser
- fixed conflict
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rhiokim/haroopress into feature/404-page
- fixed confilict
- add to make init script mkdir public folder
- main.css -> haroo.css
- worked prev-next link
- working github repo plugin
- worked archive list
- Merge branch 'feature/archive-list' into devel
- worked all archives
- worked base markup
- remove public files & add gitnore pattern
- build step gen -> cp to public -> deploy from _deploy dir
- worked yahoo weather plugin
- bump
- worked 404 page markup
- worked new-page shell script
- update tab -> space
- update moment module & fixed date notation
- Merge branch 'feature/plugin-contributors' into devel
- update author articles information
- support contributors plugin
- .
- update changelog
- fixed page title at app.js
- add social button on content
- add social button on content
- update rss, twitter link
- page title, add author social info
- footer plugin
- add social icon, update config
- .
- remove garbege ejs views
- remove garbege cli
- update make script
- change repository name haroog -> haroopress
- Merge branch 'release/v0.7.0'
- Merge branch 'feature/page-generator' into devel
- worked status func for page
- worked sub navigation
- sub navgation structure test
- remove garbege image & update make gen & page structure
- page bump
- worked page generator & sample page
- bump
- shell script
- add findit module && create object model for shell script
- add findit module && create object model for shell script
- add stringEx module, add social icons, tutorial for haroopress
- remove old rss.xml & add favicon
- fixed #65 article link
- worked #35 support recent article plugin
- clear project & worked favorit-plugin
- Merge branch 'feature/author-list-page' into devel
- completed feature
- create author page & rss generating script
- worked author page markup & express app
- Merge branch 'feature/refactoring-cli' into devel
- app.js refactoring
- make gen2 test - success
- refactoring data control
- Merge branch 'feature/new-post-and-page' into devel
- delete template file
- #38 article generate cli script
- write new-post shell script
- del sample articles
- site info update
- move markdown template file & update footer
- dependency npm module add to make script
- update change log
- Merge branch 'release/v0.6.0'
- fixed git commit error
- delete comment
- twitter plugin & google plus plugin
- complete google analytics plugin
- Merge branch 'release/v0.5.1'
- fixed category at article page
- deploy test, disqus plugin activated
- add deploy make script
- worked #35 support recent article plugin
- clear project & worked favorit-plugin
- Merge branch 'feature/author-list-page' into devel
- completed feature
- create author page & rss generating script
- worked author page markup & express app
- Merge branch 'feature/refactoring-cli' into devel
- app.js refactoring
- make gen2 test - success
- refactoring data control
- Merge branch 'feature/new-post-and-page' into devel
- delete template file
- #38 article generate cli script
- write new-post shell script
- del sample articles
- site info update
- move markdown template file & update footer
- dependency npm module add to make script
- update change log
- fixed git commit error
- delete comment
- twitter plugin & google plus plugin
- complete google analytics plugin
- fixed category at article page
- deploy test, disqus plugin activated
- add deploy make script
- clear devel
- submodule update && gh-pages-deployer completed
- push
- create sub category pages generator
- setup github gh-pages
- complete sub category generator & category menu error fixed
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rhiokim/haroog into devel
- Merge branch 'devel' of github.com:rhiokim/haroog into devel
- update layout, cate page
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rhiokim/haroog
- Merge branch 'release/v0.4.0'
- Merge branch 'feature/static-generator' into devel
- complete static generator
- adjust bootstrap v2.0.2
- index.html generator & make gen script update
- Merge branch 'devel' of github.com:rhiokim/haroog into devel
- Merge branch 'devel' of https://github.com/rhiokim/haroog into feature/static-generator
- update readme
- add directory generator
- add mkdirp module
- add ejs module
- create changelog
- Merge branch 'release/v0.3.1'
- update markdown-blog module
- Merge branch 'release/v0.3.0'
- fixed undefined error
- responsive header!
- gitignore atlassian~
- clear repo submodule error & update twitter bootstrap v2.0.2
- unregister direc & markdown-blog submodule
- update build script for generator & twitter bootstrap auto update
- getUserMedia idea 정리
- create update & fixed node.js category link
- Merge branch 'feature/categories-page' into devel
- complete category page
- written category markup
- written category generator cli
- add category.ejs
- fixed markup miss
- Merge branch 'devel' of https://github.com/rhiokim/haroog into devel
- remove direc module in app.js
- Merge branch 'devel' of https://github.com/rhiokim/haroog
- update readme
- Merge branch 'release/v0.2.0'
- Merge branch 'feature/support-rss' into devel
- complete rss.xml generator
- Merge branch 'release/v0.1.0'
- Merge branch 'feature/plugins' into devel
- modify nanhapark project
- complete plugin structure
- merge from devel
- add gen, preview make script
- layout design update
- Merge branch 'devel' into feature/plugins
- update readme.markdown
- update readme.markdown
- update reamde.markdown
- add intro png
- update readme.markdown
- update reamde.markdown
- 레이아웃 디자인 변경, 소셜 버튼 추가
- 레이아웃 디자인 변경, 소셜 버튼 추가
- fixed git commit error
- delete comment
- twitter plugin & google plus plugin
- complete google analytics plugin
- fixed category at article page
- deploy test, disqus plugin activated
- add deploy make script
- Merge branch 'release/v0.3.1'
- update markdown-blog module
- Merge branch 'release/v0.3.0'
- fixed undefined error
- responsive header!
- gitignore atlassian~
- clear repo submodule error & update twitter bootstrap v2.0.2
- unregister direc & markdown-blog submodule
- update build script for generator & twitter bootstrap auto update
- getUserMedia idea 정리
- create update & fixed node.js category link
- Merge branch 'feature/categories-page' into devel
- complete category page
- written category markup
- written category generator cli
- add category.ejs
- fixed markup miss
- Merge branch 'devel' of https://github.com/rhiokim/haroog into devel
- remove direc module in app.js
- update readme
- Merge branch 'release/v0.2.0'
- Merge branch 'feature/support-rss' into devel
- complete rss.xml generator
- Merge branch 'release/v0.1.0'
- Merge branch 'feature/plugins' into devel
- modify nanhapark project
- complete plugin structure
- merge from devel
- add gen, preview make script
- layout design update
- Merge branch 'devel' into feature/plugins
- update readme.markdown
- update readme.markdown
- update reamde.markdown
- add intro png
- update readme.markdown
- update reamde.markdown
- 레이아웃 디자인 변경, 소셜 버튼 추가
- 레이아웃 디자인 변경, 소셜 버튼 추가