Method | Type | Scope | Mechanic/Item | Change | Parameters | Returns |
addArousalTiny | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Very small Increase (1) | None | Void |
addArousalSmall | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Small increase (2) | None | Void |
addArousalMedium | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Moderate increase (4) | None | Void |
addArousalLarge | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Large increase (6) | None | Void |
addArousalHuge | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Very large increase (10) | None | Void |
isArousalComfort | Condition | PC/NPC | Arousal | Is arousal at or above the "comfort" threshold? | None | Boolean |
isArousalEnjoy | Condition | PC/NPC | Arousal | Is arousal at or above the "enjoy" threshold? | None | Boolean |
isArousalClose | Condition | PC/NPC | Arousal | Is arousal at or above the "close" threshold? | None | Boolean |
isArousalOrgasm | Condition | PC/NPC | Arousal | Is arousal at or above the "orgasm" threshold? | None | Boolean |
reduceArousalTiny | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Very small decrease (1) | None | Void |
reduceArousalSmall | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Small decrease (2) | None | Void |
reduceArousalMedium | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Moderate decrease (4) | None | Void |
reduceArousalLarge | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Large decrease (6) | None | Void |
reduceArousalHuge | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Very large decrease (10) | None | Void |
setArousalDiscomfort | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Sets arousal level to lowest "discomfort" level | None | Void |
setArousalComfort | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Sets arousal level to the "comfort" threshold | None | Void |
setArousalEnjoy | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Sets arousal level to the "enjoy" threshold | None | Void |
setArousalClose | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Sets arousal level to the "close" threshold | None | Void |
setArousalOrgasm | Modify | PC/NPC | Arousal | Sets arousal level to the "orgasm" threshold | None | Void |
Method | Type | Scope | Mechanic/Item | Change | Parameters | Returns |
addAlcoholSmall | Modify | PC/NPC | Alcohol | Small increase | None | Void |
addAlcoholMedium | Modify | PC/NPC | Alcohol | Moderate increase | None | Void |
addAlcoholLarge | Modify | PC/NPC | Alcohol | Significant increase | None | Void |
clearAlcohol | Modify | PC/NPC | Alcohol | Sets alcohol level to zero | None | Void |
reduceAlcoholSmall | Modify | PC/NPC | Alcohol | Small decrease | None | Void |
reduceAlcoholMedium | Modify | PC/NPC | Alcohol | Moderate decrease | None | Void |
reduceAlcoholLarge | Modify | PC/NPC | Alcohol | Significant decrease | None | Void |
Method | Type | Scope | Mechanic/Item | Change | Parameters | Returns |
addJobPerformanceModifier | Modify | GameData | Employment | Adds a numeric modifier for the next time job performance is calculated. | Integer amount | Void |
addStat | Modify | GameData | Stats | Increments the stat by 1 | String <stat> |
Void |