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Lee Thompson edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 4 revisions

Wiki conversion notes

  1. A few items need some researching
  2. When functions are referenced, they should link to the Context wiki.

ENUM Scope Description Notes

About this Document

This is the reference for "enum values" in Newlife custom scenes. In this context, enum is short for "enumerated string", for a broader guide to the concept Wikipedia has an article on the subject. Within Newlife, these are typically passed into or returned by various method as text strings.

This document lists the valid values for various enums relevant to Newlife player-written content. It also gives writing tips for how they're to be used in-scenes.

IMPORTANT: When testing for enum values in if statements or passing them into methods the text you use will usually need to be case-sensitive and match exactly. Enum values are always written in ALL-CAPS.


All characters have an age, although not all options are available for all characters. Age has a small effect on attraction. Male NPCs can be any age, but female ones, including the PC, can be no older than their thirties.

Age is also checked for dialogue or text that references age differences: typically with an old man and a much younger player-character.

ENUM Scope Description Notes
LATE_TEENS PC/NPCs 18 or 19 years-old You mustn't use text to imply she's younger.
EARLY_TWENTIES PC/NPCs 20 - 24 years-old
TWENTIES PC/NPCs Refers to late-twenties. 25-29 years-old
OLD NPCs Any character 60 or older. Male Only


  • Some scenes distinguish between using "girl" or "woman" to describe the PC based on her age. Typically late-teens or early-twenties use girl, as does late-twenties if she has the cute trait.
  • If a male NPC is using "rough content" and he is in his thirties and the female is younger she may address him as "daddy".
  • For the PC, bear in mind that a transformed character might have originally been much older, so a "late teens" PC could have many decades of life experience despite looking like a teenager. Alternatively, they could have been a naive 19 year-old beforehand too. It's in general a bad idea to write content based on the PC's pre-game life and this is no exception.
  • For LATE_TEENS descriptions like "barely legal" or "just over the age of consent" should probably be avoided as the age of consent for real-life sex in the UK is 16 even though characters in adult content must be 18.


  • I've been asked to allow players to customise attraction to ages and while I have higher priority things for the time being I wouldn't rule out traits that modify attraction getting added in the future.
  • I have had some requests to open up older ages for female characters, and may do so in the future. For the time being though you shouldn't worry about writing for characters that can't exist in the current version of the game.

FUNCTIONS: isOlderThan

draft 2023-10-30 17:01 GMT-7

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