This role implements the following authentication pattern:
- users
- root account can be disabled in ssh and local login (highly recommended)
- users in the "admins" group can become root and can have unix password
- the "lifesaver" user can become an user of "admins" group (optional)
- auth
- admin users use only ssh key (with or without password)
- "lifesaver" use a very strong password
- "lifesaver" can become one of the admin users using the user's unix password
- sshd config
- disable root login
- login only with ssh keys (except for "lifesaver" user)
- change sshd port (optional)
My use cases:
- normal case (with my workstation)
- login with a two-factor authentication system (I use yubikey)
- ssh keys (without password) are encripted with ecryptfs
- without encripted partition
- ssh keys with password, stored elsewhere (smartphone, etc)
- only with a ssh client
- connect to "lifesaver" user with ssh
- obtain admin rights with "sudo -i -u **user-admin**" using a unix user-admin password
auth_disable_root: no # disable root local and ssh login
auth_sysadmin_users: # add this users as administratos
- {name: calogero, uid: 5010, pass: PASSWORD }
- {name: lillo, uid: 5011, pass: PASSWORD }
auth_remote_ssh_user: calogero # user to use in ssh connection
auth_sysadmin_group: admins # administration group name
auth_sysadmin_gid: 2000 # administration group GID
auth_lifesaver: yes # create lifesaver user
auth_lifesaver_user: lifesaver # name of "lifesaver" user
auth_lifesaver_pass: PASSWORD
auth_lifesaver_uid: 3000
auth_lifesaver_shell: /bin/rbash
auth_sshd_port: 22 # ssh daemon port (default: 22)
auth_sshd_pass_auth: 'yes' # ssh daemon allow password authentication (default: 'yes')
# local user name (useful to create ssh keys)
auth_local_user: calogero-local
# local user ssh directory
auth_local_ssh_dir: /home/calogero-local/.ssh
# local user ssh config per host
auth_local_conf_dir: "{{ auth_local_ssh_dir }}/.confs"
Simple use, with all features.
- hosts: example
- { role: kalos.auth }
- hosts: example
Create users with "admins" group.
hosts: example
- { role: kalos.auth, auth_sysadmin_users: [{name: kalos, pass: pass1, uid: 1010}, {name: elisa, pass: pass2, uid: 1011}], auth_sysadmin_group: admins, auth_sysadmin_gid: 1234 }
Exec this playbook with tags:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags users
Create "lifesaver" user.
hosts: example
- { role: kalos.auth, auth_lifesaver_user: very_special_user, auth_lifesaver_pass: very_strong_pass, auth_lifesaver_uid: 3000, auth_sysadmin_group: admins}
Exec this playbook with tags:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags lifesaver
Create local ssh configuration and copy ssh-key to remote host.
hosts: example
- { role: kalos.auth, auth_remote_ssh_user: kalos-admin, auth_local_user: kalos }
Exec this playbook with tags:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags ssh-key
Calogero Lo Leggio (kalos) - LibreIT