This role enables msmtp to deliver local email to a mail hub.
A simple way to centralize system emails (alarms, notifications, etc).
Remember that you must change these variables otherwise msmtp will not be able to send mails!
msmtp_from: [email protected] # address of the sender for all system emails.
# If this variable is not defined the value is ansible_hostname@ansible_domain (default).
msmtp_to: [email protected] # address that receives all system emails.
msmtp_hub_server: # mail hub hostname or ip.
msmtp_hub_port: 25 # mail hub port - e.g. 25 or 587.
msmtp_hub_user: [email protected] # mail hub account user.
msmtp_hub_pass: password # mail hub account password.
msmtp_tls_certcheck: on # enables or disables checks for the server certificate
msmtp_send_testmail: yes # send email in role to test.
- hosts: example
- { role: kalos.msmtp, tags: msmtp}
Password are in cleartext.
Calogero Lo Leggio (kalos) -