[:app :lt.objs.plugins/load-js "myplugin_compiled.js"] ; This is the compiled js for your plugin
or multiple (in order)
[:app :lt.objs.plugins/load-js ["myplugin_compiled.js" "js/external.js"]]
[:app :lt.objs.plugins/load-css "css/myplugin.css"]
[:app :lt.objs.plugins/load-keymap "myplugin.keymap"]
[:files :lt.objs.files/file-types [{:exts [:elm], :mime "text/x-elm", :tags [:editor.elm], :name "elm"}]]
Light Table ships with a wide range of mapping to file types to provide syntax highlighting. However you might be developing a plugin for a new language not covered. This config allows you to associate a new file extentions and provide a tag for editors of this file type. In the example above we've added support for files from the Elm programming language. Every Elm file editor object will now get a tag :editor.elm
.This is obviously useful when you want to configure behaviors that are specific for Elm editors (say like code eval, docs etc).
[:editor.elm :lt.object/add-tag :docable] ;; this tag says that Elm editors supports behaviors for showing language docs
You can add additional tags to an object of a given tag by using :lt.object/add-tab
. This is sometimes useful to allow more flexible configuration of objects and behaviors.
[:app :lt.objs.style/provide-skin "superduper" "css/skins/superduper.css"]````[:app :lt.objs.style/provide-theme "super-light" "css/themes/super-light.css"]
- Skins override the std look and feel of all common Light Table elements (sidebar, doc popups, workspace tree etc)
- Themes provides overrides of the look and feel of editors in Light Table