diff --git a/packages/api/db/migration/20240202225512_harvest_task_wage_fixes.js b/packages/api/db/migration/20240202225512_harvest_task_wage_fixes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e302dcb8b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/api/db/migration/20240202225512_harvest_task_wage_fixes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ * Copyright 2024 LiteFarm.org
+ * This file is part of LiteFarm.
+ *
+ * LiteFarm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * LiteFarm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details, see .
+ */
+ * @param { import("knex").Knex } knex
+ * @returns { Promise }
+ */
+export const up = async function (knex) {
+ // create an audit table
+ await knex.schema.createTable('audit_log', (table) => {
+ table.increments('id').primary();
+ table.string('record_id').notNullable(); // expect string, number or UUID
+ table.string('table_name').notNullable();
+ table.string('column_name').notNullable();
+ table.string('old_value').nullable();
+ table.string('new_value').nullable();
+ table.integer('user_id').defaultTo(1);
+ table.timestamp('timestamp').defaultTo(knex.fn.now());
+ });
+ try {
+ const incompleteTasksToBeUpdated = await knex.raw(`
+ FROM task t
+ WHERE task_type_id = 8
+ AND abandon_date is NULL
+ AND complete_date is NULL
+ AND override_hourly_wage is false
+ AND wage_at_moment is NOT NULL
+ AND t.created_at < '2023-11-21 10:23'
+ AND t.deleted = FALSE
+ AND t.assignee_user_id is NULL;
+ `);
+ await knex.transaction(async (trx) => {
+ for (const task of incompleteTasksToBeUpdated.rows) {
+ const { task_id, override_hourly_wage } = task;
+ // Update incomplete task
+ await knex('task')
+ .where({ task_id })
+ .update({ override_hourly_wage: true })
+ .then(async () => {
+ // Insert a row to the audit table
+ await trx('audit_log').insert({
+ record_id: task_id,
+ table_name: 'task',
+ column_name: 'override_hourly_wage', // the updated column
+ old_value: override_hourly_wage,
+ new_value: true,
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ // Retrieve completed harvest tasks that do not have wage_at_moment
+ const completedTasksToBeUpdated = await knex.raw(`
+ SELECT t.task_id, t.wage_at_moment, "userFarm".wage
+ FROM task t
+ JOIN location_tasks ON t.task_id = location_tasks.task_id
+ JOIN location ON location_tasks.location_id = location.location_id
+ LEFT JOIN "userFarm" ON location.farm_id = "userFarm".farm_id
+ AND ("userFarm".user_id = t.assignee_user_id OR (t.assignee_user_id IS NULL AND "userFarm".user_id IS NULL))
+ JOIN users ON t.owner_user_id = users.user_id
+ WHERE task_type_id = 8
+ AND override_hourly_wage = FALSE
+ AND complete_date is not NULL
+ AND (t.created_at > '2021-10-31' AND t.created_at < '2023-11-21')
+ AND wage_at_moment is NULL
+ `);
+ await knex.transaction(async (trx) => {
+ for (const task of completedTasksToBeUpdated.rows) {
+ const { task_id, wage_at_moment, wage } = task;
+ const newWage = wage.amount || 0;
+ // Update incomplete task
+ await trx('task')
+ .where({ task_id })
+ .update({ wage_at_moment: newWage })
+ .then(async () => {
+ // Insert a row to the audit table
+ await trx('audit_log').insert({
+ record_id: task_id,
+ table_name: 'task',
+ column_name: 'wage_at_moment', // the updated column
+ old_value: wage_at_moment,
+ new_value: newWage,
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error in rollback:', error);
+ throw error; // Rethrow the error to ensure the migration fails
+ }
+ * @param { import("knex").Knex } knex
+ * @returns { Promise }
+ */
+export const down = async function (knex) {
+ try {
+ await knex.transaction(async (trx) => {
+ const rows = await knex.select().from('audit_log');
+ // Rollback modified tasks
+ for (const row of rows) {
+ const { record_id, column_name, old_value } = row;
+ await trx('task')
+ .where({ task_id: record_id })
+ .update({ [column_name]: old_value });
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error in rollback:', error);
+ throw error; // Rethrow the error to ensure the migration fails
+ }
+ await knex.schema.dropTable('audit_log');