Usage: webpack serve|server|s [entries...] [options]
Run the webpack dev server.
-c, --config <value...> Provide path to a webpack configuration file e.g.
--config-name <value...> Name of the configuration to use.
-m, --merge Merge two or more configurations using
--env <value...> Environment passed to the configuration when it
is a function.
--node-env <value> Sets process.env.NODE_ENV to the specified value.
--progress [value] Print compilation progress during build.
-j, --json [value] Prints result as JSON or store it in a file.
-d, --devtool <value> Determine source maps to use.
--no-devtool Do not generate source maps.
--entry <value...> The entry point(s) of your application e.g.
--mode <value> Defines the mode to pass to webpack.
--name <value> Name of the configuration. Used when loading
multiple configurations.
-o, --output-path <value> Output location of the file generated by webpack
e.g. ./dist/.
--stats [value] It instructs webpack on how to treat the stats
e.g. verbose.
--no-stats Disable stats output.
-t, --target <value...> Sets the build target e.g. node.
--no-target Negative 'target' option.
--watch-options-stdin Stop watching when stdin stream has ended.
--no-watch-options-stdin Do not stop watching when stdin stream has ended.
--bonjour Broadcasts the server via ZeroConf networking on
--lazy Lazy
--liveReload Enables/Disables live reloading on changing files
--serveIndex Enables/Disables serveIndex middleware
--inline Inline mode (set to false to disable including
client scripts like livereload)
--profile Print compilation profile data for progress steps
--progress Print compilation progress in percentage
--hot-only Do not refresh page if HMR fails
--stdin close when stdin ends
--open [value] Open the default browser, or optionally specify a
browser name
--useLocalIp Open default browser with local IP
--open-page <value> Open default browser with the specified page
--client-log-level <value> Log level in the browser (trace, debug, info,
warn, error or silent)
--https HTTPS
--http2 HTTP/2, must be used with HTTPS
--key <value> Path to a SSL key.
--cert <value> Path to a SSL certificate.
--cacert <value> Path to a SSL CA certificate.
--pfx <value> Path to a SSL pfx file.
--pfx-passphrase <value> Passphrase for pfx file.
--content-base <value> A directory or URL to serve HTML content from.
--watch-content-base Enable live-reloading of the content-base.
--history-api-fallback Fallback to /index.html for Single Page
--compress Enable gzip compression
--port <value> The port
--disable-host-check Will not check the host
--socket <value> Socket to listen
--public <value> The public hostname/ip address of the server
--host <value> The hostname/ip address the server will bind to
--allowed-hosts <value...> A list of hosts that are allowed to access the
dev server, separated by spaces
Global options:
--color Enable colors on console.
--no-color Disable colors on console.
-v, --version Output the version number of 'webpack',
'webpack-cli' and 'webpack-dev-server' and
-h, --help [verbose] Display help for commands and options.
To see list of all supported commands and options run 'webpack --help=verbose'.
Webpack documentation:
CLI documentation:
Made with ♥ by the webpack team.