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- Tags
"Tags" refer to a method of categorizing or labeling items, allowing users to add keywords or phrases that describe the content or context of a particular item. In the context of input types, a Tags input typically allows users to enter multiple tags or keywords associated with an item, often separated by commas or spaces.
- Multi-Selection: Users can input multiple tags, which may be displayed as individual tags in a list or cloud format.
- Autocomplete: As users type, suggestions may appear based on previously used tags or a predefined list, helping to speed up the tagging process.
- Removable: Users can usually remove tags by clicking on a "remove" icon or pressing the backspace key.
- Validation: You can implement checks to ensure that tags meet certain criteria (e.g., length, uniqueness).
- Blog Posts: Allowing authors to tag their posts with relevant keywords (e.g., "Go", "Programming", "Web Development").
- Project Management: Users can tag tasks or projects for better organization and filtering (e.g., "urgent", "in-progress", "completed").
- Social Media: Users can tag content or friends in posts (e.g., "vacation", "family", "food").
In a tags input field, users might see something like this after entering their tags:
Tags: [Go] [Programming] [Web Development] [X] [Remove]
// Like list of inputs?
- tag1
- tag2
- tag3