This is part of a broader quality framework and is one of a set of communities of practice
Covers Test Automation and Quality Checking tools and approaches within NHS Digital Product Development.
Andy Blundell andyblundell
The goal is to provide solutions and guidance on Automated Testing and Quality, including:
- Share knowledge
- Provide advice and guidance
- Deliver solutions to relevant issues
- Curate relevant Training Pathways within the Software Engineering Quality Framework
- Provide supplementary training in relevant areas (e.g. guest speakers, workshops)
- Curate relevant principals, practices and patterns within the Software Engineering Quality Framework
Goals to be reviewed December 2020
Areas of interest are specifically:
- Automated Functional Testing
- Automated Non-Functional Testing, e.g. load/capacity/performance/soak testing, security testing, etc
- Automated Code Hygiene. e.g. static code analysis, dead code detection, code profiling, technical debt, etc
- This will be a rotating post on a 3-month basis, requiring a commitment of one day per week
- The coordinator will run a blog to help publicise the activity of the group
- There will be a deputy coordinator (to cover sessions when the coordinator is away, etc). They will also typically take over as coordinator for the following 3 months. This gives the group continuity.
- David Lavender dlavender4 will be coordinator initially
- A Deputy will be found during the first sessions
- Formed from within PD
- Core members should be kept to under 15, to promote interactive sessions
- Should include a mix of backgrounds including Dev, DevOps, Test and Assurance.
- Should include people from a representative spread of teams
- Can join as representatives from a specific team, or as "interested parties"
- The group's official home is the "Test Automation CoP" Teams channel
- This includes a Backlog and Wiki
- Any member can contribute to the backlog. This could be show-and-tells of tools or approaches; queries about how to do something; curation of a principle; talking about an organisation-wide policy; etc.
- The group meet regularly to refine the backlog, and talk through items
- The group will also organise and facilitate other meetings, such as training workshops, hack-days, etc, which will be open to a much wider audience.
- The group will maintain a discussion channel ("Test Automation") open to all of PD: for advice and guidance, and wider knowledge sharing