Alpha Wars
ideas and to do below
A - Archer
B - throws lowercase b bombs
C - Crush, jumps over you
D - dodger
E - Electrocutes floor
F - Fire spitter
G - Gunner
H - Healer
I - Invisible
J - Juggler
K - Kicks you / karate guy
L - Launchnes you against walls / in pit
M - Mother - spawner of lowercase letters
N - Ninja
O -
P - Punch
Q - Quickness aura spawned by mini q
R - Rage character
S - Spawner of any uppercase letter
T - Teleporter
U -
V - Vampire
W - Waller
X -
Y - Yeller - pushes you back
Z - makes you sleep, with little ZZzzz
a - arrows
b - bombs
c - clone
d -
e - electric charge
f - fly
g - gun
h - health
i - invisible
j - double jump
k - key
l - lazer gun
m - minigun
n - nuke
o -
p - poison
q - quickens by touch (enemies and player)
r - rocket
s - supersize
t - Treasure
u -
v - vault - gives random item
w - wall
x -
y -
z - puts to sleep by touch