A public library used to import GUIDAP reservation module on your website ๐
Note: you must have Docker and Docker-compose installed if you want to use the provided dev environment
Launch this command in your favorite terminal:
docker-compose up -d --build # download dependencies, build and host the project
Then, you can access the exposed files at http://localhost:8081/.
You can acces the container with the following command:
docker exec -it booking.js-node /bin/bash
You can restart the dev environment by restarting the Docker container :
docker restart booking.js-node
You can stop the container with the following command:
docker-compose down
Run the following commands:
yarn build-dev
yarn serve
yarn build-dev
yarn serve
Will host with Webpack Dev Server on localhost:8080 (8081 if you are using the Docker dev environment)
yarn build-prod
Note: this process will be reviewed soon to be more simple ๐
yarn build-prod
git add dist/
git cm "{new version message}"
yarn version # It will create a Git tag and update the package.json version
git push {remote} --tags
git push {remote}