A command-line application designed to manage a company's employee database, utilizing Node.js, Inquirer, and MySQL technologies.
This application is best suited for a companies management team who want total access and discretion concerning the creation of new Departments, adding new employees and roles and delineating precise salaries. The application also features the ability for the user to create new managers and update existing employees in the database.
To install the necessary dependencies, run the following command:
npm i
To utilize and operate MySQL effectively, first log into MySQL and source the Employee_DB.sql schema file. Then exit by typing the following command:
Upon successful exit of MySQL, run the employee_tracker.js file in an Integrated Terminal (right clicking the file) then type the following command:
Node employee_tracker
The application is then ready to execute upon user input and selection.
Thank you for your time.
Video tutorial link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1diwFxzMxjkUXcEmrss-L3ZLmWhY5Mc4t/view?usp=sharing
Link to repository: https://github.com/LukeMcM89/Employee-Mgmt-System