Google Translate and ServiceNow integration.
- Properties Page
- Connect Translate
- Import Dictionary Labels
- Import Choices
- UI16
- Istanbul, Jakarta, Kingston, London, Madrid releases
- Service Portal
- Go to Retrieved Update Sets and select Import XML
- Import the XML file, preview, and then commit the update set.
- Browse to snGoogleTranslate > Properties in the left navigation to view all the features included.
- Browse to snGoogleTranslate > Properties
- Enable the UI16 property
- Your screen should look like the below screenshot
- In the snGoogleTranslate UI Script, locate line 28 which starts with "function googleTranslateElementInit()"
- Add the below in between the pageLanguage and layout object keys
- includedLanguages: "es,fr",
- This will limit the languages displayed to Spanish and French as an example
- Browse to Service Portal > Themes in the left navigator
- Select a theme such as the Stock theme
- Change the header from Stock Header to Stock Header w/ Google Translate
- Click on Update
- Browse to
Your Service Portal header should look like
- In the Stock Header w/ Google Translate, locate line 27 which starts with the pageLanguage object key
- Place a comma and then a new line and add the below object key value
- includedLanguages: "es,fr"
- This will limit the languages displayed to Spanish and French as an example
Connect Translate is uses the Language (preferred_language) choice list on the sys_user table to determine which language to translate from and to.
- Enable one of the out of the box language plugins OR add a new choice such as Spanish with the value of es on the preferred_language field.
- Enable the Connect Translate property in snGoogleTranslate > Properties.
- Change the preferred_language of another user and send them a Connect message.
You should get the results below
This utilizes a fix script linked in the Properties page
- Enable the Import Dictionary Property.
- Click on the linked Fix Script.
- Enter the table name, source language, and target language.
- Run the fix script and validate the results
This utilizes a fix script linked in the Properties page
- Enable the Import Choices and prevent duplicate choices property.
- Click on the linked Fix Script.
- Enter the table name, source language, target language, and the column name of the dictionary choice you want to translate.
- Run the fix script and validate the results