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[L4DC2023] A neural network policy learning framework to stabilize hybrid systems for robots.


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Hybrid Systems Neural Control with Region-of-Attraction Planner

Conference Arxiv

Reliable Autonomous Systems Lab @ MIT (REALM)

Yue Meng, Chuchu Fan

We propose a neural network policy learning framework to stabilize hybrid systems for robots, inspired by Lyapunov theory and Region-of-Attraction (RoA). We aim to ensure the system states always fall into the RoA of corresponding system modes.

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Fig.1 Learn to stablize hybrid systems using an RoA based approach.

This repository contains the implementation for our L4DC2023 paper, "Hybrid Systems Neural Control with Region-of-Attraction Planner." [link]

  title={Hybrid Systems Neural Control with Region-of-Attraction Planner},
  author={Meng, Yue and Fan, Chuchu},
  booktitle={Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference},

Alt Text

Gif.1 Control a car driving safely on normal/icy road.

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Gif.2 Control a pogobot to safely jump through a 2D maze.

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Gif.3 Control a bipedal walker to walk in different gaits.


Ubuntu 18.04, Nvidia GTX 2080Ti

Packages installation:

conda install numpy matplotlib tqdm scipy h5py
conda install -c conda-forge qpsolvers casadi
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch-lts -c nvidia
conda install tensorboard
pip install gym==0.17.2
cd baseline_rl && pip install -e . && cd ..
cd baseline_mbrl && pip install -e . && cd ..

Model/Data preparation

Download all the pretrained models and necessary data from Google Drive and extract them in exps_cyclf and walker under the project directory.

Main evaluation experiments

Car experiment (figure 4 in our paper)

# (from package directory)
cd car
python --exp_name CAR_25X --gpus 0 --dt 0.01 --nt 100 --num_samples 10000 --joint_pretrained_path g0128-111623_JOI_ROA_U12_SA_grow --net_pretrained_path g0128-125740_EST_grow --mono_actor_pretrained_path g0511-000521_JOI_ROA_U12_SA_grow_singleclf_one --u_limit 8 8 --allow_factor 1.0 --cap_seg 16 --num_workers 1 --skip_viz 100 --use_sample --lqr_nt 100 --clf_nt 120 --use_middle --new_ring_seg 10 --race --race_angle 30 --num_trials 25 --methods mbpo mbpo mbpo rl-sac rl-sac rl-sac rl-ppo rl-ppo rl-ppo rl-ddpg rl-ddpg rl-ddpg mpc lqr clf ours ours-d --auto_rl --mbpo_paths g1124-015808_car_mbpo_1007 g1124-015809_car_mbpo_1008 g1124-015811_car_mbpo_1009

Pogo experiment (figure 6)

# (from package directory)
cd pogo
python --exp_name Pp_25X_d --gpus 0 --normalize --viz_freq 500 --data_path g0208-214752_Pda_10M --dyna_pretrained_path g0208-222845_Pfit --actor_pretrained_path g0209-012818_Pclf_mgn --clf_pretrained_path g0209-012818_Pclf_mgn --net_pretrained_path g0209-112138_Proa --methods mbpo mbpo mbpo rl-sac rl-sac rl-sac rl-ppo rl-ppo rl-ppo rl-ddpg rl-ddpg rl-ddpg mpc ours ours-d --num_trials 25 --auto_rl --mbpo_paths g1124-074642_beta_mbpo_1007 g1124-091519_beta_mbpo_1008 g1124-093210_beta_mbpo_1009

Bipedal experiment (figure 8(a) (b))

# (from package directory)
python --exp_name cgw_plan_20X6_d --gpus 0 --num_samples 20 --dx_mins -0.01 -0.02 -0.1 -0.2 --dx_maxs 0.01 0.02 0.1 0.2 --roa_thres 0.05 --th_thres 0.01 --n_try 10 --ours_clf_paths g0424-150358_cwg_train_clf_bdry --methods mbpo mbpo mbpo rl-sac rl-sac rl-sac rl-ddpg rl-ddpg rl-ddpg rl-ppo rl-ppo rl-ppo mpc qp hjb ours ours-d --gait_subset 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 --auto_rl --mbpo_paths g1124-103144_bp_mbpo_1007 g1124-114225_bp_mbpo_1008 g1124-124619_bp_mbpo_1009

python --exp_name cgw_10x11x13MUL_d --gpus 0 --num_samples 10 --dx_mins -0.01 -0.02 -0.1 -0.2 --dx_maxs 0.01 0.02 0.1 0.2 --roa_thres 0.05 --th_thres 0.01 --n_try 10 --ours_clf_paths g0424-150358_cwg_train_clf_bdry --methods mbpo mbpo mbpo rl-sac rl-sac rl-sac rl-ddpg rl-ddpg rl-ddpg rl-ppo rl-ppo rl-ppo mpc qp ours ours-d --gait_subset 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 --multi_target --tgt_gait_subset 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 --filtered --auto_rl --mbpo_paths g1124-103144_bp_mbpo_1007 g1124-114225_bp_mbpo_1008 g1124-124619_bp_mbpo_1009

More experiments for training

You can also check the log inside each pretrained model directory for the training commands

Training for our method

# Change the seed to generate multiple pretrained models
################ EXP-1 Car tracking ################
# Controller pretrain (g0128-012244_R_actor_U12)
python --exp_name R_actor_U12 --gpus 0 --num_samples 1000 --dt 0.01 --nt 100 --cutoff_norm 0.5 --mu_choices 1.0 0.1 --u_limit 12.0 12.0 --actor_nn_res_ratio 0.3 --ref_mins 3.0 -0.0 --ref_maxs 30.0 0.0 --skip_clf_pretraining --load_last --actor_hiddens 256 256 --actor_pretrain_rel_loss --actor_pretrain_traj --actor_pretrain_mask --skip_training --always_new_sampling

# CLF pretrain (g0128-012128_R_PRET12_clf256)
python --exp_name R_PRET12_clf256 --gpus 0 --num_samples 10000 --dt 0.01 --nt 100 --cutoff_norm 0.5 --s_mins -1.0 --s_maxs 1.0 --mu_choices 1.0 0.1 --ref_mins 3.0 -0.0 --ref_maxs 30.0 0.0 --u_limit 12 12 --actor_nn_res_ratio 0.3 --clf_hiddens 256 256 --clf_pretrain_mask --skip_actor_pretraining --skip_training

# Joint CLF+Controller finetune (g0128-111623_JOI_ROA_U12_SA_grow)
python --exp_name JOI_ROA_U12_SA_grow --gpus 0 --dt 0.01 --nt 100 --roa_iter 1000 --cutoff_norm 0.5 --actor_nn_res_ratio 0.3 --mu_choices 1.0 0.1 --ref_mins 3.0 -0.0 --ref_maxs 30.0 0.0 --num_samples 1000 --clf_hiddens 256 256 --skip_clf_pretraining --clf_pretrained_path g0128-012128_R_PRET12_clf256 --actor_hiddens 256 256 --skip_actor_pretraining --actor_pretrained_path g0128-012244_R_actor_U12 --u_limit 12 12 --new_sampling --train_clf_batch --train_actor_resampling --no_viz --always_new_sampling --roa_multiplier 5 --alpha_v 0.05 --actor_setups 0.0001 500 50 250 --use_v_for_stable --relative_roa_scale 0.1 --max_v_thres 0.1 --traj_roa_alpha 0.01 --statewise_actor_training --skip_clf_training --graduate_growing

# Train RoA (g0128-125740_EST_grow)
python --exp_name EST_grow --gpus 0 --dt 0.01 --nt 100 --cutoff_norm 0.5 --actor_nn_res_ratio 0.3 --mu_choices 0.1 0.1 --ref_mins 3.0 -0.0 --ref_maxs 30.0 0.0 --num_samples 10000 --clf_hiddens 256 256 --joint_pretrained_path g0128-111623_JOI_ROA_U12_SA_grow --actor_hiddens 256 256 --u_limit 12 12 --net_hiddens 256 256 --num_configs 1000 --net_setups 1e-4 50000 500 10000 1000 --use_v_for_stable --relative_roa_scale 0.1 --max_v_thres 0.1 --alpha_v 0.05 --traj_roa_alpha 0.01

################ EXP-2 Pogobot navigation ################
# Collect data (g0208-214752_Pda_10M)
python --exp_name Pda_10M --num_samples 100000 --xmins 0.0 -5 1.01 0.0 --xmaxs 0.0 5 5.0 0.0 --umins -0.8 -5000.0 --umaxs 0.8 5000.0 --num_trials 100

# Fit dynamic model (g0208-222845_Pfit)
python --exp_name Pfit --gpus 0 --hiddens 64 64 64 --lr 0.1 --data_path g0208-214752_Pda_10M --epochs 300000 --print_freq 1000 --save_freq 5000 --batch_size 4096 --normalize

# Train CLF (g0209-012818_Pclf_mgn)
python --exp_name Pclf_mgn --gpus 0 --hiddens 64 64 64 --dyna_pretrained_path g0208-222845_Pfit --lr 0.05 --data_path g0208-214752_Pda_10M --epochs 100000 --print_freq 100 --viz_freq 1000 --save_freq 5000 --batch_size 1024 --clf_hiddens 64 64 64 --actor_hiddens 64 64 64 --multi --actor_e2e --ref_mins -2.0 1.5 --ref_maxs 2.0 4.0 --err_mins -0.5 -0.5 --err_maxs 0.5 0.5 --tanh_w_gain 0.8 --tanh_a_gain 3000.0 --normalize --cls_weight 0.0 --alpha_v 0.5 --norm_thres 0.1 --v_margin 0.0001 --clf_ell_eye --clf_eye_scale 0.01 --train_intervals 100 0 --u_norm --split_ratio 0.95 --vio_thres 50 --roa_bloat 1.0 --train_alpha_v 0.75 --abs_mins -5.0 1.01 --abs_maxs 5.0 5.0

# Train RoA (g0209-112138_Proa)
python --exp_name Proa --gpus 0 --hiddens 64 64 64 --dyna_pretrained_path g0208-222845_Pfit --lr 0.05 --data_path g0208-214752_Pda_10M --epochs 100000 --print_freq 100 --viz_freq 1000 --save_freq 5000 --batch_size 1024 --clf_hiddens 64 64 64 --actor_hiddens 64 64 64 --multi --actor_e2e --ref_mins -2.0 1.5 --ref_maxs 2.0 4.0 --err_mins -0.5 -0.5 --err_maxs 0.5 0.5 --tanh_w_gain 0.8 --tanh_a_gain 3000.0 --normalize --cls_weight 0.0 --alpha_v 0.5 --norm_thres 0.1 --v_margin 0.0001 --clf_ell_eye --clf_eye_scale 0.01 --train_intervals 100 0 --u_norm --split_ratio 0.95 --vio_thres 5 --roa_bloat 1.0 --train_alpha_v 0.75 --estimate_roa --actor_pretrained_path g0209-012818_Pclf_mgn --clf_pretrained_path g0209-012818_Pclf_mgn --net_setups 0.001 50000 1000 5000 1000 --net_hiddens 64 64 --net_rel_loss --net_num_configs 50000 --net_exp --abs_mins -5.0 1.01 --abs_maxs 5.0 5.0

################ EXP-3 Bipedal walker ################
# Train CLF + RoA (g0424-150358_cwg_train_clf_bdry)
python --exp_name cwg_train_clf_bdry --gpus 0 --num_epochs 50000 --dx_min -0.05 -0.1 -0.25 -0.5 --dx_max 0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 --n_trials 200 --print_freq 100 --save_freq 100 --viz_freq 500 --lr 0.001 --nn_ratio 0.0 --regen_init --regen_freq 500 --w_dec 0 --w_dq1 0 --clf_only --not_plot_phase --gait_idx_begin 0 --gait_idx_end 29 --n_theta 29 --nt 200 --pos_thres 0.95 --neg_thres 1.05

Training for Mono-CLF in car experiment

# Change the seed to generate multiple pretrained models
################ EXP-1 Car tracking ################
# Controller pretrain (g0128-012244_R_actor_U12)
python --exp_name R_actor_U12 --gpus 0 --num_samples 1000 --dt 0.01 --nt 100 --cutoff_norm 0.5 --mu_choices 1.0 0.1 --u_limit 12.0 12.0 --actor_nn_res_ratio 0.3 --ref_mins 3.0 -0.0 --ref_maxs 30.0 0.0 --skip_clf_pretraining --load_last --actor_hiddens 256 256 --actor_pretrain_rel_loss --actor_pretrain_traj --actor_pretrain_mask --skip_training --always_new_sampling

# CLF pretrain (g0511-000404_PRET12_single_clf_1)
python --exp_name PRET12_single_clf_1 --gpus 0 --num_samples 10000 --dt 0.01 --nt 100 --cutoff_norm 0.5 --s_mins -1.0 --s_maxs 1.0 --mu_choices 1.0 1.0 --ref_mins 10.0 -0.0 --ref_maxs 10.0 0.0 --u_limit 12 12 --actor_nn_res_ratio 0.3 --clf_hiddens 256 256 --clf_pretrain_mask --skip_actor_pretraining --skip_training --single_clf

# Joint CLF+Controller finetune (put those two pretrained directory to the followings --flags (--clf_pretrained_path / --actor_pretrained_path))  | g0511-000521_JOI_ROA_U12_SA_grow_singleclf_one
python --exp_name JOI_ROA_U12_SA_grow_singleclf_one --gpus 0 --dt 0.01 --nt 100 --roa_iter 1000 --cutoff_norm 0.5 --actor_nn_res_ratio 0.3 --mu_choices 1.0 0.1 --ref_mins 3.0 -0.0 --ref_maxs 30.0 0.0 --num_samples 1000 --clf_hiddens 256 256 --skip_clf_pretraining --clf_pretrained_path g0511-000404_PRET12_single_clf_1 --actor_hiddens 256 256 --skip_actor_pretraining --actor_pretrained_path g0128-012244_R_actor_U12 --u_limit 12 12 --new_sampling --train_clf_batch --train_actor_resampling --no_viz --always_new_sampling --roa_multiplier 5 --alpha_v 0.05 --actor_setups 0.0001 500 50 250 --use_v_for_stable --relative_roa_scale 0.1 --max_v_thres 0.1 --traj_roa_alpha 0.01 --statewise_actor_training --skip_clf_training --graduate_growing --single_clf

Training for RL baselines

# Change the seed to generate multiple pretrained models
################ EXP-1 Car tracking ################
python --algor sac --exp_name car --gpus 0 --env_id CarEnv-v0 --max_iter 100000 --save_iter 100 --random_seed 1007 --num_process 16
python --algor ppo --exp_name car --gpus 0 --env_id CarEnv-v0 --max_iter 100000 --save_iter 100 --random_seed 1007 --num_process 4
python --algor ddpg --exp_name car --gpus 0 --env_id CarEnv-v0 --max_iter 100000 --save_iter 100 --random_seed 1007 --num_process 4

################ EXP-2 Pogobot navigation ################
python --algor sac --exp_name beta --gpus 0 --env_id BetaEnv-v0 --max_iter 100000 --save_iter 100 --random_seed 1007 --num_process 4 --nn_sim
python --algor ppo --exp_name beta --gpus 0 --env_id BetaEnv-v0 --max_iter 100000 --save_iter 100 --random_seed 1007 --num_process 1 --nn_sim
python --algor ddpg --exp_name beta --gpus 0 --env_id BetaEnv-v0 --max_iter 100000 --save_iter 100 --random_seed 1007 --num_process 4 --nn_sim

################ EXP-3 Bipedal walker ################
python --algor sac --exp_name bp --gpus 0 --env_id BpEnv-v0 --max_iter 100000 --save_iter 100 --random_seed 1007 --num_process 1
python --algor ppo --exp_name bp --gpus 0 --env_id BpEnv-v0 --max_iter 100000 --save_iter 100 --random_seed 1007 --num_process 1
python --algor ddpg --exp_name bp --gpus 0 --env_id BpEnv-v0 --max_iter 100000 --save_iter 100 --random_seed 1007 --num_process 1

Training for MBRL baselines

# Change the seed to generate multiple pretrained models
################ EXP-1 Car tracking ################
python algorithm=mbpo overrides=mbpo_car seed=1007 device="cuda:0"

################ EXP-2 Pogobot navigation ################
python algorithm=mbpo overrides=mbpo_beta seed=1007 device="cuda:0"

################ EXP-3 Bipedal walker ################
python algorithm=mbpo overrides=mbpo_bp seed=1007 device="cuda:0"


[L4DC2023] A neural network policy learning framework to stabilize hybrid systems for robots.








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