This modules modifies "many2one" and "many2manytags" form widgets so as to add some new display control options.
Options provided includes possibility to remove "Create..." and/or "Create and Edit..." entries from many2one drop down. You can also change default number of proposition appearing in the drop-down. Or prevent the dialog box poping in case of validation error.
If not specified, the module will avoid proposing any of the create options if the current user has no permission rights to create the related object.
For further information, please visit:
boolean (Default: depends if user have create rights)
Whether to display the "Create..." entry in dropdown panel.
boolean (Default: depends if user have create rights)
Whether to display "Create and Edit..." entry in dropdown panel
boolean (Default: depends if user have create rights)
Whether to display the many2one dialog in case of validation error.
int (Default: openerp default value is 7
Number of displayed record in drop-down panel
Used to force disable/enable search more button.
A string to define the field used to define color. This option has to be used with colors.
A dictionary to link field value with a HTML color. This option has to be used with field_color.
boolean (Default: value of no_open
which is False
if not set)
Causes a many2one not to offer to click through in edit mode, but well in read mode
boolean (Default: False
Makes many2many_tags buttons that open the linked resource
Now you can disable "Create..." and "Create and Edit..." entry for all widgets in the odoo instance. If you disable one option, you can enable it for particular field by setting "create: True" option directly on the field definition.
boolean (Default: depends if user have create rights)
Whether to display the "Create..." entry in dropdown panel for all fields in the odoo instance.
boolean (Default: depends if user have create rights)
Whether to display "Create and Edit..." entry in dropdown panel for all fields in the odoo instance.
boolean (Default: depends if user have create rights)
Whether to display the many2one dialog in case of validation error for all fields in the odoo instance.
int (Default: openerp default value is 7
Number of displayed record in drop-down panel for all fields in the odoo instance
boolean (Default: default value is False
Whether the field should always show "Search more..." entry or not.
To add these parameters go to Configuration -> Technical -> Parameters -> System Parameters and add new parameters like:
- web_m2x_options.create: False
- web_m2x_options.create_edit: False
- web_m2x_options.m2o_dialog: False
- web_m2x_options.limit: 10
- web_m2x_options.search_more: True
Your XML form view definition could contain:
... <field name="partner_id" options="{'limit': 10, 'create': false, 'create_edit': false, 'search_more':true 'field_color':'state', 'colors':{'active':'green'}}"/> ...
Double check that you have no inherited view that remove options
you set on a field !
If nothing works, add a debugger in the first line of get_search_result method
and enable debug mode in Odoo. When you write something in a many2one field, javascript debugger should pause. If not verify your installation.
- Instead of making the tags rectangle clickable, I think it's better to put the text as a clickable link, so we will get a consistent behaviour/aspect with other clickable elements (many2one...).
- In edit mode, it would be great to add an icon like the one on many2one fields to allow to open the many2many in a popup window.
- Include this feature as a configurable option via parameter to have this behaviour by default in all many2many tags.
Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback here.
- David Coninckx <[email protected]>
- Emanuel Cino <[email protected]>
- Holger Brunn <[email protected]>
- Nicolas JEUDY <[email protected]>
- Yannick Vaucher <[email protected]>
- Zakaria Makrelouf <[email protected]>
- Jairo Llopis <[email protected]>
- David Vidal <[email protected]>
This module is maintained by the OCA.
OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.
To contribute to this module, please visit