Yet another Minesweeper implementation using libsdl2, libsdl2_ttf, and GNU FreeFont.
The development platform is Linux. If all requirements are installed, just type
make && ./minesweeper
from the project root directory to compile and run Minesweeper.
Using mingw, it is possible to cross compile this project from Linux to create a Windows executable. Just download the SDL2 development library and the SDL2_ttf development library, extract them to a path of your choice and type
mingw64-make \
SDL2_PATH_WIN=/your/path/to/SDL2-2.0.4 \
SDL2_TTF_PATH_WIN=/your/path/to/SDL2_ttf-2.0.14 dist-win \
from the project root directory. A zip-archive, containing all relevant DLLs, assets, and executable files for Windows, is created within the project root directory.