Implementation of ISMRM Reproducibility Challenges using the MRI reconstruction framework MRIReco.jl.
Goal of challenge 1 is to reproduce the results from the paper [1]. The julia scripts and results can be found in the subfolder challenge1. To run the code one first has to download julia. Then, follow the instructions to install MRIReco.jl. You will also need to install the Julia packages HDF5 and PyPlot. Finally run one of the scripts by entering include("reco_....jl") into the Julia terminal. To do so, one either needs to startup julia in the folder challenge1 or use the shell mode of julia to cd into that folder.
The following figures show the reconstruction results generated with MRIReco.jl. In the left figure, Δ denotes the NRMSE between the iterates and the reference reconstruction. In the right figure, δ denotes the ratio of the cost function at each iteration to the initial cost function.
[1] Pruessmann, K. P.; Weiger, M.; Boernert, P. and Boesiger, P. Advances in sensitivity encoding with arbitrary k-space trajectories. Magn Reson Med 46: 638-651 (2001)
Tobias Knopp [tobias . knopp (at) tuhh . de] and Mirco Grosser [mirco . grosser (at) tuhh . de]
Institute for Biomedical Imaging,
University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf and Hamburg University of Technology, Germany.