In this guide:
- Intro
- Text messages
- Emoticon messages
- Photo messages
- Carousel messages
- Button types
- Typing messages
- Handling errors
Skype Template Message builder allows you to generate more complex messages for Skype Messenger without writing JSON files manually.
To use it, just require skypeTemplate
function from Claudia Bot Builder:
const skypeTemplate = require('claudia-bot-builder').skypeTemplate;
exports an object that contains multiple classes that allows you to generate different types of structured messages for Skype:
- Photo
- Carousel
Carousel class gives you ability to add Hero, Thumbnail and Receipt messages. See more here:
If you simply want to answer with the text you can just return text.
Skype doesn't have specific API method for sending emoticons. If you want to send emoticon, just retun a string with emoticon shortcut. You can find list of emoticons and shortcuts here:
Photo attachment allows you to send images.
(class) - Class that allows you to build a photo messages.
- photo, base64 string URL (required) - a base64 encoded image.
Method | Required | Arguments | Returns | Description |
get | Yes | No arguments | Formatted JSON to pass as a reply | Get method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Skype Messenger |
const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const skypeTemplate = botBuilder.skypeTemplate;
module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
if (message.type === 'skype')
return new skypeTemplate.Photo('data:image/png;base64,...').get();
Carousel class allows you to send cards and buttons.
(class) - Class that allows you to build carousel with Skype cards and buttons.
- summary, string (optional) - a caption summary.
- text, integer (optional) - an optional text.
Method | Required | Arguments | Returns | Description |
addHero | No | See Hero | this for chaining |
Hero card |
addThumbnail | No | See Thumbnail | this for chaining |
Thumbnail card |
addReceipt | No | See Receipt section | this for chaining |
Receipt card |
get | Yes | No arguments | Formatted JSON to pass as a reply | Get method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Skype Messenger |
const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const skypeTemplate = botBuilder.skypeTemplate;
module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
if (message.type === 'skype')
return new skypeTemplate.Carousel('summary', 'text')
Hero message requires Carousel class to be initialized.
(method) - Method that allows you to build Hero messages with optional images and buttons.
- images, array (required) - an array of urls of images.
Method | Required | Arguments | Returns | Description |
addTitle | No | title (string, required, title for Hero) | this for chaining |
Adds title on Hero message |
addSubtitle | No | subtitle (string, required, subtitle for Hero) | this for chaining |
Adds subtitle on Hero message |
addText | No | text (string, required, text for Hero) | this for chaining |
Adds text on Hero message |
addButton | No | title (string, required, title of button), value (string, required, value of button), type (string, required, Button types) | this for chaining |
Adds button on Hero message |
get | Yes | No arguments | Formatted JSON to pass as a reply | Get method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Skype Messenger |
const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const skypeTemplate = botBuilder.skypeTemplate;
module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
if (message.type === 'skype')
return new skypeTemplate.Carousel()
.addTitle('New Hero')
.addSubtitle('Our new Hero')
.addText('Some description')
.addButton('Hi', 'hello', 'imBack')
.addButton('Other button', 'hello again', 'imBack')
Thumbnail message requires Carousel class to be initialized.
(method) - Method that allows you to build Thumbnail messages with optional images and buttons.
- images, array (required) - an array of urls of images.
Method | Required | Arguments | Returns | Description |
addTitle | No | title (string, required, title for Thumbnail) | this for chaining |
Adds title on Thumbnail message |
addSubtitle | No | subtitle (string, required, subtitle for Thumbnail) | this for chaining |
Adds subtitle on Thumbnail message |
addText | No | text (string, required, text for Thumbnail) | this for chaining |
Adds text on Thumbnail message |
addButton | No | title (string, required, title of button), value (string, required, value of button), type (string, required, Button types) | this for chaining |
Adds button on Thumbnail message |
get | Yes | No arguments | Formatted JSON to pass as a reply | Get method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Skype Messenger |
const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const skypeTemplate = botBuilder.skypeTemplate;
module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
if (message.type === 'skype')
return new skypeTemplate.Carousel()
.addTitle('New Thumbnail')
.addSubtitle('Our new Thumbnail')
.addText('Some description')
.addButton('Hi', 'hello', 'imBack')
.addButton('Other button', 'hello again', 'imBack')
Receipt message requires Carousel class to be initialized.
(method) - Method that allows you to build Receipt messages with optional items and facts.
- total, string (required) - total value.
- tax, string (required) - tax value.
- vat, string (required) - vat value.
Method | Required | Arguments | Returns | Description |
addTitle | No | title (string, required, title for Receipt) | this for chaining |
Adds title on Receipt message |
addSubtitle | No | subtitle (string, required, subtitle for Receipt) | this for chaining |
Adds subtitle on Receipt message |
addText | No | text (string, required, text for Receipt) | this for chaining |
Adds text on Receipt message |
addFact | No | key (string, required, key for Fact), value (string, required, value for Fact) | this for chaining |
Adds fact on Receipt message |
addItem | No | title (string, optional), subtitle (string, optional), text (string, optional), price (string, optional), quantity (string, optional), image (string, optional), | this for chaining |
Adds item to Receipt message |
addButton | No | title (string, required, title of button), value (string, required, value of button), type (string, required, Button types) | this for chaining |
Adds button on Receipt message |
get | Yes | No arguments | Formatted JSON to pass as a reply | Get method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Skype Messenger |
const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const skypeTemplate = botBuilder.skypeTemplate;
module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
if (message.type === 'skype')
return new skypeTemplate.Carousel()
.addTitle('New Thumbnail')
.addSubtitle('Our new Thumbnail')
.addText('Some description')
.addFact('factKey', 'I am fact')
.addItem('Some item', 'I am some item', 'My description', '20', '5', '')
.addButton('Hi', 'hello', 'imBack')
.addButton('Other button', 'hello again', 'imBack')
Typing message allows you to send typing event from chat bot.
(class) - Class that allows you to build a Typing message.
Method | Required | Arguments | Returns | Description |
get | Optional | No arguments | Formatted JSON to pass as a reply | Get method is required and it returns a formatted JSON that is ready to be passed as a response to Skype Messenger |
const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');
const skypeTemplate = botBuilder.skypeTemplate;
module.exports = botBuilder(message => {
if (message.type === 'skype')
return new skypeTemplate.Typing();
Skype buttons have specific types for the function they are supposed to do. Bellow is the table with the types and explanations:
Type | Explanation |
openUrl | Open given url in the built-in browser. |
imBack | Post message to bot, so all other participants will see that was posted to the bot and who posted this. |
postBack | Post message to bot privately, so other participants inside conversation will not see that was posted. |
playAudio | Playback audio container referenced by url. |
playVideo | Playback video container referenced by url. |
showImage | Show image referenced by url. |
downloadFile | Download file referenced by url. |
signin | Signin button. |
Skype Template Message builder checks if messages you are generating are following Skype guidelines and limits, in case they are not an error will be thrown.
Calling new skypeTemplate.Carousel().addHero('imageUrl')
where's image
passed as string instead of array will throw Images should be sent as array for the Skype Hero template
All errors that Claudia bot builder's skypeTemplate library is throwing can be found in the source code.
Errors will be logged in Cloud Watch log for your bot.