🔊 Track your daily calorie consumption with calorie tracker
Tracking your daily calorie consumption helps you in maintaining good diet and physical health. Using calorie tracker you can keep track of your daily calorie consumption.
- New users can signup.
- Add data about their daily calorie consumption.
- Users can see their data and get a mail describing their calorie consumption history in a graph.
- Admins can see users data and can also delete a particular user.
- jwt tokens are used for authorization and access to specific api's is allowed based on the user roles.
- You can download it or clone it in your terminal by typing
git clone https://github.com/manoj-b-b/Task-2-Api.git
- Install python 3.9 and pip3
- Install the requirements present in the requirements.txt by typing the command
pip3 install requirements.txt
- Create a connection in mongodb, with a new database.
- Create a collection called users.
- Setup your mail configurations with the help of flask_mail and mention JWT_SECRETE_KEY in app.py
- To run the application type
flask run
in terminal.
- make use postman to test api
- while making request - go to authorization tab, select bearer token and paste the token.