Many of these training exercises have been taken from the Kubermatic Trainings. Many thanks to the Kubermatic folks for these great materials!
These training execises expect a linux terminal environment with access to a Kubernetes cluster and the following tools installed:
- vi / vim
- kubectl
- helm
- kustomize
In every exercise folder you'll find a file guiding you through the exercise. There is always a cleanup step for each exercise ensuring these exercises don't interfer with eachother.
- Hello Kubernetes!
- Pods
- Commands and Arguments
- Multi-container Pods
- ReplicaSets
- Deployment
- Revision History
- Static Persistence
- Dynamic Persistence
- Use a PersistentVolume
- Services
- ConfigMaps
- Secret
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- DaemonSet
- StatefulSet
- Jobs
- CronJob
- Draining Nodes
- NodeSelector
- Scheduling Affinity
- Taints and Tolerations
- Ingress
- NetworkPolicies
- Helm
- Kustomize
- Prometheus