This game was developed as a practice project to explore the Qt framework in C++, and of course, to provide a fun gaming experience.
- Gameplay: The game currently supports keyboard control for the pads. Players can choose between two modes: Two-Player and Single Player.
- User Interface: It features a simple GUI, complete with a toolbar. This allows players to adjust the sound, size of gameplay items, and their speed.
- Autoscaling: The game window supports an autoscaling feature for dynamic resizing.
- Menu Alignment: Rapid scaling of the window may cause the menu to become slightly misaligned.
- Mouse Control: Introduce a mouse control option with an accelerating ball.
- AI Player: Development of an AI player using the PyTorch C++ frontend.
- Level Design: Addition of various levels to enhance gameplay.
- Persistent Settings: Implement functionality to save game settings and player sessions.