Some package must be carried by some particular vehicle, or some points can only be visited by some particular vehicle or driver. Skills allow to represent those kind of constraints. A vehicle can carry the services or shipments with the defined skills and the ones which have none or part of the current vehicle skills.
"vehicles": [{
"id": "vehicle_id",
"router_mode": "car",
"router_dimension": "time",
"speed_multiplier": 1.0,
"start_point_id": "vehicle-start",
"end_point_id": "vehicle-end",
"skills": [
"cost_fixed": 0.0,
"cost_distance_multiplier": 0.0,
"cost_time_multiplier": 1.0
Missions must be carried by a vehicle which have at least all the required skills by the current service or shipment.
"services": [{
"id": "visit",
"activity": {
"point_id": "visit-point-1",
"timewindows": [{
"start": 3600,
"end": 4800
"duration": 2100.0
"skills": ["frozen"]
This feature is currently not supported
Some vehicles can change its skills once empty, passing from one configuration to another. Here passing from a configuration it can carry only cool products from another it can only tool frozen ones and vice versa.
"vehicles": [{
"id": "vehicle_id",
"router_mode": "car",
"router_dimension": "time",
"speed_multiplier": 1.0,
"start_point_id": "vehicle-start",
"end_point_id": "vehicle-end",
"skills": [
"cost_fixed": 0.0,
"cost_distance_multiplier": 0.0,
"cost_time_multiplier": 1.0
"services": [{
"id": "visit-1",
"type": "service",
"activity": {
"point_id": "visit-point-1",
"timewindows": [{
"start": 3600,
"end": 4800
"duration": 2100.0
"skills": ["frozen"]
}, {
"id": "visit-2",
"type": "service",
"activity": {
"point_id": "visit-point-2",
"timewindows": [{
"start": 3600,
"end": 4800
"duration": 2100.0
"skills": ["cool"]