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Maria edited this page Aug 20, 2019 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the IonChamberDose wiki!

The program can be used to calculate the dose in a ROOS ion chamber placed with the center in (x,y,z) for a given field. The program calculated the field dose in Gy. Notice that the chamber is placed in the X-Y-plane. Use of this program is on ones own risk. We do not guarrentee that the calculated dose is correct. The program must be validated and testes in different scenarios.

  • Enter the chamber center or use the coordinated from a predefined markers position.
  • Select a field
  • Press calculated
  • remeber the water equvivalet thickness of the ROOS chamber is 1.3 mm.
  • The program writes which parameter it used to correct the field dose to Gy. If the parameter "Field Dose Normalization" is different from 100%, the calculated dose will probably not be correct. This will be changed at some point.
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