Android challenge for interviewing candidates
- MVVM Architecture w/ a ApiState sealed class wrapper for responses
- Vanilla Dagger2
- Room Database for caching
- Retrofit for networking
- Coroutines and Flows for asynchronous programming
- Kotlin programming language
The app consists of 3 activites.
- MainActivity will present the user with the option to load the XML or Compose challenge
- XmlListActivity, this will load a horizontal and vertical recyclerviews using XML. The data will be provided downstream from Retrofit and Room
- ComposeActivity, this screen is purposely left in blank so that candidates can show their compose abilities and build UI around it.
- Fix the broken code
- Reimplement the XML layout in Compose
- Create a error interceptor for the network layer
- Fix a UI bug. There is a UI bug in the PokedexAdapter class. Whenever an item in the list is selected, the UI is not refreshed to reflect the
state of the item; you will need to scroll away of the item and back to it to see the UI changes reflected.