Since Home Assistant saw version 110.+, icon handling in state-badge has changed, causing the original custom-ui by @andrey-git to no longer be fully functional.
The loss of icon_color
would be a major pain, and reason enough to hold off updating Home
Assistant until I would be able to globally colorize my icons again.
Second to that, it was announced that the extra_html_url
config option was soon to be
deprecated and removed. So things had to
I rang the alarmbell on this, and the core Dev team (thanks Bram and Thomas) helped me transform the 'old' state-card-custom-ui.html import into a modern JS version.
This adapted version makes it compatible again with HA 110+.
Note that this adapted version doesn't hold all options of the original custom-ui. Since that was
designed for Home Assistant States, and we now live Lovelace, many of these options are no longer
supported or used. These are now 'carved out' of custom-ui. Per-entity-theming for one was a major
feature now defunct. As are all other features specifically used in the state-cards.
Like show_last_changed
. We all know how to do that easily in Lovelace now.
Coming from the original custom-ui, you may have used the
Customizer companion too. We used that
to hide stuff from the more-info
windows. This was useful, because we could also hide the
templates we set in custom-ui. However, current Lovelace broke customizer, resulting in:
@CAB426 has changed custom-ui.js, so it again allows us to hide attributes in more-info
, and even
better, we can now do so using custom-ui.js only.
More-info with hide_attributes
HA 2021.6 changed frontend representation of more-info attributes once again, and custom-ui updated to follow that. Thank you @spacegaier and Bram for helping out!
As of Home Assistant 2022.4, the frontend will change and has another way of handling Websockets. This heavily impacts custom-ui. As of then state changes are no longer followed, but entities are subscribed to. Checkout Paulus's explanation in the 2022.4 release party on the matter.
For custom-ui this means the templates we use are no longer immediately executed, but need a view reload. Which obviously makes many templates useless, especially the ones that set an icon on state change (on/off...) or where a signal color was used as the indication of an alert color.
I did file an issue but fear that won't help a lot, as using custom-ui is on our own, and not a core HA project. @bratanon joined and he made the original minimized code more readable, and we have released a new and 2022.4 ready version.
As of HA 2022.4, templating state:
is no longer supported in custom-ui. We now show users a warning
in the console if using the none supported state:
templating. This means the actual entity state itself can no longer be customized.
state: if (state === 'home') return 'Online'; return 'Offline';
Using state
IN the condition WILL WORK as that is core custom-ui functionality.
icon_color: if (state === 'home') return 'blue'; return 'red';
Note the "keys" (state, icon_color) differs.
Other templating still works the same.