With the necessary Duo Web SDK integration in place, it is time to update the demonstration application to make use of the Cisco Duo service for MFA.
The duo_univeral
python library will be used
to easily integrate the demonstration application with Duo APIs. The SDK provides automatic creation
of the necessary authentication headers as well as methods for easy access to all of the available API
- Stop the demonstration app if it is running.
- Open the app.py file in the Visual Studio Code application.
- Add the following statements to the
statements at the top of the file (after line 18):
import json
from duo_universal.client import Client, DuoException
- Uncomment the SDK client code at the bottom of the app.py file by removing the lines that begin with
""" Uncomment this block for Duo configuration
duo_client = Client(
except DuoException as e:
print("*** Duo config error. Verify the values in duo.conf are correct ***")
raise e
duo_failmode = config[config_section]['failmode']
- Replace the
function with the following code:
def login():
"""Display login screen"""
error = None
if request.method == "POST":
username = request.form.get("username")
if username is None or username == "":
app_logger.warning("Username is missing in login POST request.")
error = "Username is missing in login POST request."
return render_template("login.html", error=error)
user = db.session.execute(db.select(Users).filter_by(username=username)).scalar_one()
if not bcrypt.check_password_hash(user.password, request.form.get("password")):
error = "Invalid credentials."
app_logger.error("Invalid credentials for %s", username)
except DuoException:
if config.duo_failmode.upper() == "OPEN":
msg = ("Login 'Successful', but 2FA not performed."
+ "Confirm Duo client/secret/host values are correct")
return render_template("home.html", message=msg)
return render_template("login.html", message="2FA Unavailable.")
state = duo_client.generate_state()
session["state"] = state
session["username"] = username
prompt_uri = duo_client.create_auth_url(username, state)
return redirect(prompt_uri)
except NoResultFound:
app_logger.warning("User %s does not exist.", username)
error = "User %s is not registered." % username
return render_template("login.html", error=error)
# Display the login page if not a POST request
return render_template("login.html", error=error)
- Uncomment the
route and function to handle redirects from Duo once MFA is complete.
""" Uncomment this block for Duo
def duo_callback():
state = request.args.get('state')
# Get authorization token to trade for 2FA
code = request.args.get('duo_code')
if 'state' in session and 'username' in session:
saved_state = session['state']
username = session['username']
# For flask, if url used to get to login.html is not localhost,
# (ex: then the sessions will be different
# and the localhost session does not have the state
return render_template("login.html",
message="No saved state. Please login again")
# Ensure nonce matches from initial request
if state != saved_state:
return render_template("login.html",
message="Duo state does not match saved state")
decoded_token = duo_client.exchange_authorization_code_for_2fa_result(code, username)
except DuoException as duo_exception:
app_logger.exception(f"Unable to exchange authorization code for token: {duo_exception}")
return render_template("login.html", error=duo_exception)
# Exchange happened successfully so render success page
# return render_template("success.html",
# message=json.dumps(decoded_token, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
user = db.session.execute(db.select(Users).filter_by(username=username)).scalar_one()
if login_user(user):
app_logger.info("User %s logged in and added to session successfully.", username)
session["username"] = username
return render_template("home.html",
message=json.dumps(decoded_token, indent=2, sort_keys=True), username=username)
app_logger.warning("Unable to add user %s to session successfully.", username)
return render_template("home.html", error="Unable to add user to session information.")
Save the changes and either wait for the application to automatically reload, or stop the program using the CTRL-C keystroke and then running the application again using the
python3 app.py
command. -
Once the new code is in place and the application has been restarted, login with the user previously registered user. The Cisco Duo enrollment process should begin once the username and password are verified.
Save the changes to the
The next step is to test the addition of Cisco Duo MFA to the application.
The full working application with Cisco Duo added and functional can be found in the app_with_duo.py file for reference.