Many Philosophers have contributed to society in different ways, but they 3 activities that they have in common:
- Think
- Eat
- Sleep
These philos sit around a circular table. When they eat, obviously use 2 Forks to eat Spaghetti.
Now - that said - there is an EQUAL number of FORKS and PHILOS around the table. This means that if a philo is eating, then the adjacent philos can't be eating.
If a philo doesn't get to eat soon enough, he will starve and die.
How to Run:
./philo [number of philos] [death_duration] [eat_duration] [sleep_duration] (OPTIONAL [Number_of_meals])
f.ex. ./philo 4 1000 200 200 5
Note: Don't use time durations that are below 60(ms) and cap the number of philos at 200.
The Simulation:
The program will run on forever with the philos eating, sleeping, thinking, if no issues arise.
However, the simulation ends if:
- a philo dies
- all meals are eaten
Why: The program is a showcase in employing threads and mutexes.